Part 9

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Part 9: Zara's POV

I wake up around 12 in the afternoon. I feel better so I decide to still go see Jack tonight, I'll just show up at his house at like 9 he doesnt go no where on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thuresday or atleast he doesnt go to parties. Cause he spends time with his family, I find that the cutest and I'm jealous of it even though I wont admit it. I'm an only child and my parents are gona all the time... it gets lonely. I look on his snapchat story, hes doing a tiktok >>>>

Hes such a fucking playboy I swear.

*skip to later*

Its 9 I'm going to Jack's house and park outside I throw rocks at his window since I dont wanna go inside with his family in there. He opens it with a what the hell look.

"You could have broke something dumb dumb" he says. And I laugh.

"Come let me in or help me up to your room. But I dont really want to break my neck so come take me to your room through the front door please." I say smiling. He shakes his head chuckling and comes to let me in. He takes me to his room and we go to his balcony and sit down.

"I thought you were sick, everyone was going crazy without you there." He says looking at the sky.

"Duh why wouldnt they I'm amazing." I laugh.

"Oh of course you are. Anyways hows life?" He says looking at me.

"Great. I guess. I saw your story your such a fuckboy." I say leaning over and ruffling his hair.

"Oh shush it was just soemthing to catch your attention." He says.

"I'm suprised all the girls still fall head over heels for you after you got your curls removed." I say remembering the reactions of everyone when he came into school with no curls. He smiles.

"They would fall either way, I'm hot." He says.

"Sure you are." I say and lean against him.

"The stars in the sky are beautiful arent they?" He says in a calm peaceful voice.

"Yeah they are." I say and smile.

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