Part 1

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Part 1:Zara POV

"Seems you and jack have been hanging out a lil more lately, more than you and corbyn." My best friend ally tells me, as she braids her blonde hair in front of my mirror in my locker.

"We went to get food twice big deal whoopdiwoo. Doesnt mean I like him not corbyn." I say to her, kinda bored with this topic for the past two years all it's been is 'date Jack', 'are you and Corbyn dating'. Its kinda old by now. But no those two boys keep feeding the drama. Like saying that I had sex with them. Which I have had my close encounters but not all the way, at least not with them too.

"Look Z, you-" she gets cut off by my locker getting slammed shut, I turn towards who shut it and see Corbyn. I roll my eyes, and turn to leave but pause to see ally already left with her braid perfectly made walking down the hallway waving at people as she goes, I roll my eyes and turn back around, "corbyn, what's up and next time maybe not slam my locker that'd be nice." Corbyn just smirks, that stupid smirk.

"I'm throwing a party tonight. I want you there." He stares at me waiting for an answer. Jack will probably be there as well. I might as well go I have nothing else to do.

"I'll come but you owe me" I tell him and grab my bag from my locker and go to math and go to the back. Jack is my partner in here. Not gonna lie, it's pretty fun. Jack comes in a sits beside puttin his arm around the back of the chair I nudge him off and he gives me a look and says, "why you wanna be like that babe?"

"Jack I am not your babe and you know that." I say. Okay so maybe it is annoying but when we arent in school, with everyone watching. Corbyn and Jack are pretty cool guys.

"So what you doing tonight, wanna go somewhere?" He whispers since the teacher is in.

"Nah I got somewhere to be sorry jack" I say back not really wanting to mention the party, it's best to not have all 3 of us in the same place let alone most likely with alchohol in all our systems. Jack shrugs and turns back to the front. "Awe c'mon jack we can hang some other time." I poke his face.

"Yeah yeah sure. And ew your finger has probably touched Corbyn I rather not have that on my face" Jack makes a motion to throw up and I laugh a little. We go through math and then nothing really happen the rest of the day I tell Ally to come to my house to get ready for the party.

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