"I know that there are runes for it but that can take a while. I mostly use a potion for it, I can send you some if you want?"

"I can't really get owls here since that will raise questions, isn't there a spell I can use instead?"

"There is a spell for it but it doesn't work all the time, but you can try it anyway. The spell is Nulline motus. I must have a book about it laying around here somewhere. I'll send both the book and the potion with floo travel. Wait, let me grab it for you." Hermione stood up, leaving Lia and Ginny alone.

"Look Lia, promise me you'll be careful, alright? Don't forget W.U.S.S." 

Lia laughs, W.U.S.S. was an old joke between the two, It was made in her third year while she and Ginny were practicing in the DA (Dumbledore's Army). "Of course! How can I forget wuss? Watch your back, Use your wand, Scan the area, Save the day."

They both laugh.

"I mean it Lia. Stay focussed, take a lot of health potions with you, rest enough, especially your left leg! Don't overdo it because I swear, I will step out this fire and-"

"Wow Gin, I'll be fine. I promise. I'll keep you updated."

"You better do, you wuss."

Hermione took that moment to re-enter. 

"I'm so sorry Lia, Ron must have taken most of it to his dad without me knowing, you know how much Arthur likes muggle things... I found a small bottle of it though, I can give you that until I can get more tomorrow. I did find the book about the spell, so you can also try that."

"That's fine 'Mione, just heat the DA coin as usual if you've got it." Amelia says, the DA coin was used between them to plan their weekly meetups, "Alright, throw it through whenever you're ready."

Luckily floo travel has evolved since her youth, it now being able to transfer small items without hosts. The powder was different than the normal one, and more expensive which is why most people avoid using it a lot. Amelia leans back from the fire, ready to catch the flying objects.

A book flies through the fire, followed by a small bottle. Amelia catches and examines it. The potion is light blue and the substance looks clear and still. The book is called 'Muggle technology and how to use it' and is a basic brown colour and of average size. Lia sticks her head back into the fire.

"So Hermione, how do I use the potion?"

"Just let the object of choice sit in the potion for about a minute. You can also apply a coat with a paintbrush or your wand. It dries quickly so you won't have to clean it off afterwards."

"Alright, I'll-" Amelia stops once she hears knocks coming from upstairs.

"Miss Martin, are you here?" It was male voice she didn't recognize, "I'm Agent Coulson, I'm here to say that the others have arrived."

"Yes, just a moment please!" Amelia yells back, before sticking her head in the fire for a last time, "Look I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow for the rest of the potion alright. Say hi to the others for me, would you?"

"Will do, good luck Lia!"

"Bye Lia, break a leg!"

"GINERVA WEASLEY! That was highly unappro-"

Amelia leaves the fireplace before she can hear the rest. 

'Some people just don't grow up... well maybe that includes me as well.'

Lia turns around, examining the room she was currently in, or the bag she was in more likely. Since Newt Scamander caused trouble in New York with his suitcase, the auror division decided to invest in similar travel bags. It was handy with missions. A bag didn't raise many questions and you could take a lot of books and materials with you wherever you go. You can store food and drinks in it, and get a good night sleep in a real bed. It even got camouflage on the outside and a warning spell for strangers. Amelia turned her backpack into a small apartment were she lives in most of the time, which explains her almost empty apartment in New York. 

Hocus Pocus // T. StarkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang