Ch. 18 Therapy session

Start from the beginning

Nodding, I heard the door open then a woman stood there and smiled at us. "Hello. Are you here to see Tonia?"

"Yes." Tory said.

The woman opens the door more then allows us to walk in. "Come in." After she shut the door, she walks in front of us. "I'm her wife, Crystal."

"I'm Tory and this is my girlfriend Carter." She smiles as we walk into a living room.

"I'll get Tonia. You may have a seat." She smiles then walks down a hall and disappears.

Tory and I both sit on the couch and I watch as she was looking around until her eyes met mine. She slightly smiles before grabbing my hands. "I'm a little nervous."

"It's ok." I reassured her.

She looks at me for a moment before sighing. "I just don't.." She stops then shuts her eyes and I held her hand tighter.

"If it makes you feel any better, I can stay out here." I watch as she looks over at me and I smile. "I'll let you be alone with her."

"Thank you." She smiles then lifts my hand and kisses it.

After a moment, Crystal walks back in with a woman following her. I watch as she walks around her then towards us and smiles. "I'm Tonia." She holds out her hand as Tory gets up and walks to her.

I stand up also as they were introducing each other. I took this opportunity to look this woman over, wondering how well she was as a therapist and if she even knew what she was doing.

"If you don't mind me asking," I spoke. "how long have you been a therapist?"

Tonia smiles then looks over at her wife. "Let's just say I've been doing this for a while. You have nothing to worry about." She holds out her arm and smiles at Tonia. "Follow me."

Tory looks at me for a moment before following Tonia through the hall and they disappeared. I sat back down and saw Crystal walking towards me before smiling.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"Water is fine." I smile.

She walks out of the living room and I look around, taking the wallpaper in and everything else that was around me.

It was a nice little house. It wasn't nothing too much and it was simple.

I also noticed that when I walked in the door, I instantly felt like this was home. It had a warm feeling to it that brought you in with open arms.

When Crystal came back, she handed me a water then sat down on the couch. "Thank you." I smiled as I opened the bottle then took a sip. "I like your home."

"Thank you." She smiles. "We've lived here for years."

"How long have you two been married?"

She sighs then leans back. "My gosh," She chuckles. "I would have to say this year will be our fifty fourth anniversary."

My eyerows rose. "Wow. What's your secret?"

I watch as she smiles then looks around. "I would have to say there isn't a secret. It's been nothing but an amazing fifty four years."

"That's amazing." I was in complete shock. "You both look really young."

"Age doesn't exist to us."

I gave her a confused look then leaned up a little. "What do you mean?"

She smiles then places her hands in her lap. "We don't focus on our age. We don't really look at how old or young we are, so therefore age doesn't exist."

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