chapter 21 - kidnapped

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Yoongi's POV:

I went for a walk around the neighborhood after my argument with y/n. I know she isn't ready to have another child and I don't want to force her.

1 hour later

I slowly walked back to our house. As I entered the house I called.

Yoongi: babe!!!
Y/n: *no answer*

That's weird maybe she's sleeping...
I checked the bathroom our bedroom literally everywhere but no signs of y/n.
I ran upstairs into mingi's room only to see an empty room. I started panicking. I called y/n's phone but no answer. I called Jin.

Jin: hello?
Yoongi: h-hyung!!! I can't find y/n nor mingi!!!
Jin: woah calm down yoongi...
Yoongi: hyung I can't find them...
Jin: hang on we're coming over

I sighed in frustration as I ran my hand through my hair.

Y/n POV:

I woke up by a light over my face. I tried getting up but soon realized I was tied up.

Y/n: what the hell?!!

I started panicking. Where is mingi?? Where is yoongi?? I have been kidnapped!!!! The door opened to reveal a girl.

???: hi y/n, nice to see you again *smile*
Y/n: what do you want?!!! *I spat*
???: min yoongi
Y/n: never!!!
???: honey i told you in high school i would make your life a living hell didn't i??
Y/n: jengi??
Jengi: yes that's me *smirk* now do me one favor
Y/n: *silence*

She harshly grabbed my chin to face her completely.

Jengi: now listen up!! Your going to stay here, no contact with anyone, no food
Y/n: what?!!
Jengi: or want your daughter to suffer...

The door harshly opened to reveal my daughter crying. She ran over to me

Mingi: mama!!! *sob*
Y/n: mingi!!!
Jengi: enough!! This little devil need to get out of here
Y/n: don't speak to her like that you bitch!!!
Jengi: *chuckle* I can kill her if I want but I won't

They soon carried mingi somewhere, only god knows where. Jengi had left the room. I sat up and started crying. I'm worried for yoongi and my daughter. I need to escape.

Mingi's POV:

They took me to a room that looks very disgusting. 

Man: little girl stay here
Mingi: *silence*
Man: you bitch!!

He was about to slap me when he was  harshly pushed onto the ground by someone.

???: what the hell dude?!! You can't slap a child, especially a little girl
Man: sorry....

He left the room.

???: hey little one...I'm suho
Mingi: *silence*
Suho: it's ok I'm not going to harm you
Mingi: *silence*
Suho: are you perhaps hungry?? Where's your eomma??
Mingi: I- i am hungry...mama is in the next room
Suho: where??
Mingi: *silence*
Suho: I totally forgot your very young, let's get you out of here

He quickly untied me and we both exited the room.

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