"oh my god! Are you alright? I didn't mean to scare you!" She said, her tone laced with worry.

Dahyun's face slowly lifted as she chuckled awkwardly.

"uh... yeah, sorry, I just didn't expect anyone to be awake this early, I- my roommate, uh..." she stared at the girl, her brows knitted and her lips were pulled into a concerned pout, "oh, I'm sorry for running into you!"

The girl smiled and held out her hand, Dahyun shifted to take it but winced as a stinging pain stopped her from moving. She looked down at the hand she had previously had firmly planted on the concrete.

'really dahyun?' she thought, 'as if you weren't dramatic enough.'

The girl gasped again and squatted down to Dahyuns level, craddling her wrist in her hand, observing the wound as it began to trickle blood.

"I have first aid in my dorm, come and I'll clean this up." She said pulling Dahyun from the ground.

"It's nothing, I'll be fine, I don't want to inconvenience you."

"inconvenience me? it's 5 in the morning, I have nowhere to be, besides it's my fault anyway, I should have been paying more attention to you leaving." The girl babbled on.

It only made Dahyun more guilty and embarressed. If she hadn't of been so stupid, imagining monsters chasing her down the hall she would have seen the girl at the door and wouldn't have run into her, essentially waking up the whole dorm with her scream, like she had come face to face with Michael Myers.

Before Dahyun could attest she was being pulled back down the dark hallway. Except this time the company of the peppy girl eased the eeriness. The girls hair was long and pink, she was petite, long limbed and she bounced on her feet as she walked, a little too bright for someone to be at this god awful hour of the morning. She wore the brightest smile as she turned her head to Dahyun, her puffy eyes smiling too. Dahyun wasn't blind, the girl was stupid pretty and she swore she'd never seen someone who suited pink hair so much in her whole life.

Dahyun didn't know many of the occupants of the dorm, she had her small group of friends and never tended to stray to anyone else, she wasn't one for socialising, she kept her distance unless necessary and was generally quiet, so this lead to her not knowing the pink haired girl in front of her along with about 100 other girls that lived in her vacinities too.

"This is my room." Dahyun felt the taller ones hand detach from hers as she bent over to put the key in the lock.

The absense of her grip was soon forgotten as it returned and she pulled her lightly into the room. Dahyun scanned the room, it was admittedly a lot cleaner than her and Nayeon's dorm but once her eyes fell on the other side, she was overtaken by familiarity when she saw the candy wrappers and piles of dirty clothes. The light flickered on and a groan came from the lump that occupied the unkemt side of the room, the lump dragged the charcoal covers over their head and the pink haired girl giggled.

"Sorry, Momo." She smiled at Dahyun before leading her to the bed to sit.

She pulled open her cupboard doors, searching inside hurridly. Everything was sorted neatly into small containers and drawers and her clothes were folded and hung so intricately. The room was like good meets evil, Momos side was doused in black and littered with rubbish much like Dahyun's, like a normal college students room should be, not top to tail spotless and smelling of strawberries. The only similarity Dahyun saw with her room and the girls was they both shared an unhealthy obsession with my melody, her bed was littered with the pink plushy and Dahyun found it endearing.

"It's in here somewhere." She mumbled before shouting an 'ah-huh', pushing up on her toes to reach the little red box wedged on the top self.

She placed the box on the bed and climbed on, crossing her legs and pulling Dahyuns arm towards her as she popped the lid open.

You Feel Like Home // SaiDaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang