Chapter 1

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Dahyun had woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Her icey toned hair refused to tame as what she described as it finally conquering all her hair products that she used to battle the fact that her hair had in fact been abused by bleach a couple hundred times too many.

Apart from looking like the witch from snow white, her grief didn't stop there, not only did her roommate Nayeon, wake her up at an ungodly hour of the morning lipsyncing to her hair brush as she packed for a trip into the city to crash every single night club but she hogged the bathroom, the lock secured tightly which lead Dahyun no faith in reviving her disaster hair day and her body, just to top off the punishment, refused to let her return to sleep.

Maybe it was the fact that she had been awake too long or the fact that Nayeon hadn't dialed down her volume even once entering the bathroom. Usually things like this didn't bother Dahyun and she'd come back to the dorm all pouty faced waiting for Nayeon to apologise and buy her takeaway food as compensation for being such a pain to live with but today was just different, Dahyun was restless. Dahyun just assumed that because she knew she'd be coming back to an empty dorm that maybe she'd be upset without Nayeons outrageous actions being justified in the form of a food peace offering.

She opened her cupboard and scanned what little reminence lay there. She cursed herself as It dawned on her that it was laundry day, the only clean pair of sweatpants lay helplessly behind that closed door where the unholy volumed concert was being performed. Dahyun couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that all her misfortunes had happened in the space of half an hour and it wasn't even 6am yet.

She pulled her hair out of her face as best as she could and doused herself in perfume, hoping if any soul were to cross her path this early in the morning that they wouldnt smell any potential 3 week old pizza stench waft from her pyjamas. Sighing, she pulled open the door of their dorm and was met by the cold, dark emptyness of their dorm hallway. Dahyun had never appreciated her tiny and seemingly useless convection heater that sat dangerously close to the 2 girls pile of dirty clothes quite as much as she did right now when the reality of the cold winter morning hit her exposed toes as she hurried to shove her feet into her slippers.

The world was seemingly dead to Dahyun at this hour and she cursed Nayeon's over the top excitedness for such little things being the reason she woke up hours before Dahyun knew she'd actually have to leave for her wild weekend. But Dahyun also knew her so well and if the girl didn't wake up practically a day early for an event she'd still be doing her makeup or getting distracted even on the short walk to the train station, whilst Jeongyeon, who she is supposed to meet, would be blowing up her phone wondering where she was.

The slight tap of Dahyun's slippers doubled in volume in the emptiness of the halls, the sun hadn't even woken up yet and the flickering hall lights did little to lighten the hallway that was engulfed in darkness. The further down the halls Dahyun walked the more she grew uncomfortable and an eerie feeling loomed in the pit of her stomach. Her irrational thoughts got the better of her and she let out a squeak as she began to speed walk to the exit door, it had never felt more far away when she needed it the most. By the time she had made it to the door she was running, her head whipping back to check the hall behind her.

Her gaze stayed on the hallway as she shoved the exit open hurriedly, her body colliding with something hard. Dahyun let out a blood curdling screetch as she tumbled onto the uncomfortably frozen pavement.

A scared gasp was heard above her and she slowly began to realise she had run into a person, not a demon, not a monster, not a knife weilding pyschopath, but a person, a girl. Her heart rate didn't slow at this realisation but her feelings shifted from scared to utterly overridden in embarressment. She scruntched her face and silently prayed to disappear as she heard the girls shoes shuffle towards her.

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