Chapter 2: I'll See You Again

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Y/n = your name,
L/n = last name,
Italics = emphasised thoughts.
I finally fall asleep, dreading the next day.

It's the day of the reaping. The day every single person in district 12 hates. I reluctantly get up and wake Katniss and Prim. We start to get ready early so we don't have to rush, and I plait Katniss's and Prims hair.
We realise that Prim starts tearing up so me and Katniss immediately envelope her in a hug.
"We're all gonna be fine Prim, we won't get picked then later we will all be sat down talking like after every other reaping me and Katniss have ever attended to, we won't get picked."
"Y/n's right Prim, besides your name is only in there once. Don't worry."
The alarm goes off and we make our way to the reaping. We hug for the last time then join our age groups. Katniss is 16, I am 17 and Prim is obviously 12.
Effie Trinket, our escort, goes on to her speech that i'm pretty sure no one listens to, and eventually she gets ready to pick.
"Ladies First!" She says in her Capitol accent,

"Primrose Everdeen."
Oh no,
I see Katniss follow her up the path and I know instantly what she's about to do, I run as fast as I can up to them both and pull them behind me and before Katniss gets a chance to I shout,
"I volunteer, I volunteer as tribute!"
"No! N/n!" Prim runs up and hugs me, Katniss is frozen in shock with tears already rolling down her face.
"Prim, go find mum, please, it's ok, I'll be ok." Trying to comfort her in these circumstances is hard. Thankfully Gale picks her up, and she sobs into the crook of his neck.
"Come on." One of the peacekeepers says.
Speaking irrationally I say,
"Wait. I'm about to go into a game where the object is to kill and I might be dead in a few days, you would think I'm alowed a minute with my family!" He backs off so I go over to Katniss and pull her in for a hug.
"Katniss this going to sound harsh but don't leave Prim like your mother did, she needs you more than ever now, I love you, stay strong for her please." I give her a last squeeze and then go over to Prim and Gale,
"Gale, don't let them starve, Prim you have a goat remember, do what you can, It's going to be ok, I'm going to come home ok? I love you so much."
"You have to try, N/n. Please try to win!"
Prim says,
"Of course."
Suddenly remembering all the other tributes will watch that later. But at least after the boy gets picked I will have time to just be grateful for there presence because sometimes, actions are better then words.
"My my," Effie says, "our first volunteer! What's your name sweetie." She asks.
"Y/n L/n." I say with no emotion.
"Were those people your sisters?" She asks, clearly confused as our last names our different.
"You could say that." I say bluntly. Not wanting to go into a life story.
"Now for the boys!"

"Peeta Mellark!"
Oh no, god please no. He's the kid the same age as Katniss, that I sometimes help out at the bakery. He has a crush on Katniss, but I have never said anything. He might be the death of me, or even worse, I might have to kill him.
He slowly makes his way to the stage.
"Shake hands." Effie says enthusiastically.
I give him as sympathetic look as we do.
Effie speaks once again saying,
"District 12's tributes! Y/n L/n And Peeta Mellark!

When we were escorted to the rooms, I was only given a minute since I talked to my family earlier.
"I'm gonna say it again Primrose, you're going to be ok. I'm going to be ok, ok? It's gonna be fine I promise."
"Wear this as your district token, please?" She says handing me the mockingjay pin, me and Katniss bought her earlier.
"Of course Prim. I'll see you again."
Now I just need to talk to their mother,
"You can't leave them. Not this time, I know i might be being a bit harsh but Prim and Katniss need to you, now more than ever, I won't be here to help so please, try, for me. Don't cry, don't let the Capitol see weakness, ok? I'll come back, I promise, thankyou for everything."

I gave them all last hugs then I was escorted out. The only thing on my mind now is I have to get back home. No matter what.

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