"He's fine. He told me that his parents sent him here after what happened with you all at his manor."

"Thank Merlin," Harry said, softly.

"What are you lot whispering about?" Neville asked. "What are you planning to do?"

Harry turned to look at everyone. "I think it's about time I face Snape. Anyone got a spare set of robes?"


The last thing that Draco wanted to do was to listen to Snape drone on about some stupid announcement but he didn't have a choice. He followed Blaise and the rest of the Slytherins into the Great Hall. What Snape had to say, however, Draco wasn't expecting.

"Earlier this evening, Harry Potter was spotting in Hogsmeade," Snape spoke, causing a ripple of whispers to break out. "Now. If anyone, student or staff, attempts to aid Mr. Potter, they will be severely punished. Furthermore, anyone who has knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty."

Harry? Here? It couldn't be true. Draco's heart soared at the thought of seeing him again as well as sunk at the idea that something happened to him. Where was he?

Snape stepped down from the dais and started walking down the rows of students. "If anyone has any knowledge about his whereabouts, step forward. Now."

Draco thought he was hallucinating when he saw Harry step to the center of the room but his voice was as clear as day as he spoke, "it seems that despite your exhaustive, defensive strategy, you've still got a bit of a security problem, headmaster."

Just then, the doors to the Great Hall opened and members of the Order of Phoenix stepped in.

"How dare you stand where he stood," Harry growled. "Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man that trusted you, and killed him! Tell them!"

Snape didn't speak, just pulled out his wand and pointed it at Harry. Before Draco could step up to defend him, McGonagall beat him to it. Snape hesitated but soon started dueling her. McGonagall was getting the upper-hand when he apparated away. All the houses (except most of Slytherin) cheered. Draco started pushing toward the front of the crowd but froze as a voice echoed in his ears. Everyone around him froze so he knew that he wasn't the only one hearing Voldemort's request: Bring me Harry Potter and everyone else will be spared. Bring him to me and no wizarding blood has to be split. You have one hour.

There was silence for a long moment that was broken by Pansy. "What are you all waiting for? Someone grab him!"

No one moved, except those that stepped in front of Harry to defend him.

"Mr. Filch, please escort Ms. Parkinson, along with the other Slytherins to their common room," McGonagall spoke.

The crowd around Draco started to shuffle out of the Great Hall and Draco was getting swept into it. He looked to Blaise and he didn't have to say anything. Blaise pushed a path for Draco and when he broke out, he didn't hesitate to run up to Harry. Harry turned and when their eyes locked, his face broke into a smile. Harry ran up to meet him and they embraced. Draco brought his lips down and captured Harry's in a passionate kiss, not caring about the crowd around him. Harry was alive and he had missed him so damn much.

When they pulled apart, Draco kept his forehead against Harry's so all he could see was him. "Hey."

Harry grinned. "Hey."

"I think our secret's been compromised."

Harry laughed and the noise filled him with the joy that he had been lacking the last month. They pulled apart and the number of stares they were getting would make any normal person squirm. It was a good thing that Harry and Draco weren't normal people. 

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