♥Christmas and IT♥

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"ITS CHRISTMAS! WAKE UP YOU LAZY GINGERBREAD MEN!" I yell at the top my lungs while jumping on Blake's bed.

You see, the jumping will wake up Blake and the yelling will wake up everyone else. Tessa and Layla next door, are doing the same to poor Hunter.

"Gingerbread men?" I hear someone grumble outside the doorway.

I turn and see a half asleep Connor walking slowly down the hallway. Key word being Slowly. WAY to slow for my taste.

I jump off the bed and race over to Connor. I get right next to his ear and scream.

"AHHHHHHH!" He says screaming with me.

I laugh as he holds his chest and looks a me like would kill if he wasnt busy trying to calm his heart.(AN, OMG that was a long sentence XD) 

"Sam... i am going to give you a 3 second headstart,'' He didnt even finish the sentence before i am off.

He chases after me. Instead of going down the stairs like usually, i decide to the hallway that leads to the bedrooms instead. Maybe not the best desicion in my life. I speed up a little and run into the closest bedroom. Nate and Logan's room.

"Oh no what did you do?" Nate instantly asks looking at me.

I open my mouth to speak but im cut off by a banging on the door. I get wide eyes and i look at Logan and Nate for help. Suddenly the door is thrown open and im picked up by the waist and carried away. 

The worst part is that those Buttheads did nothing to help.

After a lot of begging and pleading i finally concinced Connor not to throw me in the pool. Also Tessa, Hunter, and Layla have come over now for opening presents.

"Okay this one is for... DumbDumb?" Hunter says reading the present.

We all glare over at Walt.

"Would it really kill you to just one year use real names?" Tessa asks hitting him upside the head.

"Well duh! Since that present is for you anyways," Walt tells her rubbing his head.

Tessa slowly turns to him and gives him a glare that can put someone 6 feet under.

"What did you say," Tessa growls.

Walt's eyes widen and he gulps.

"I-i sa-said i-it-its f-for uh N-nate!" Walt stutters giving her a nervous smile.

"Thats what i thought,'' She grinds out and turns back around.

Walt slumps in relief. It took all i had to not laugh at his face.

"Okay lets continue passing out presents," Layla squeals.

"And its a... Unicorn Coloring Book!" Walt says holding it up.

I shake my head at him. He had actually put that one his Christmas List.

"Okay thats all the presents!" Blake announces.

" BOOO!" All the rest of us say.

Blake just rolls his eyes.

"Okay and for dinner we brought over different flavored Candy Canes, Hot Cocoa mix, and a Gingerbread House building set!" Layla said taking everything out of the bag.

"Awesome! A traditional Christmas Dinner!" I say happily,

Its what we have every year for Christmas Dinner.

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