♥Kitchen Naps and Never Have I ever!♥

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I awoke the next morning with a kink in my neck and my back pressed against something hard. I didnt feel like waking up yet so i rolled over.

Bad Idea.

Because the next thing i know im on the ground writhing in pain, and a headache from hitting my head on the floor. I slowly opened my eyes to find that i was in the living room and i guess i was laying on the couch before i rolled over.

I moaned and slowly got up. I stretched and every one of my bones cracked. I winced and slowly walked into the kitchen.

What i saw next made me die of laughter. All of my brothers must have woken up earlier and wanted breakfast. I also think they must of been really tired.

Logan and Blake's faces were in there cereal bowls, Walt was cuddling with a frying pan on the floor, Nate has a puddle of milk all around him and has it all over his face, and Connor is slumped on the floor near the stove with a wisk in one hand and an egg yoke in a bowl in the other.

I then got a brilliant idea. I ran up to my room and got an air horn and some earplugs. I went back downstairs and put in the earplugs. I then blew the air horn.

" AHHHHHH!!!!!!" I heard many girly screams and laughed.

All my brothers were now awake and holding their ears.

"Umm why am i holding a frying pan?" Walt asked.

" Oh you cuddled with it," I replied calmly.

"Oh that makes sense," He answered back.

I shook my head. Walt is such an idiot.

My brothers got cleaned up and we realized it was Saturday. Yeah i know yesterday was Friday and the first day of school. Its stupid.

We are now all sitting in the living room playing never have i ever.

" Never have i ever... Fallen out of tree," Blake said.

All of us put down a finger. Lets just say balance doesnt run in the family.

Blake shook his head at us and nodded at Connor.

" Umm never have i ever eaten dirt," Connor replied looking happy when Nate and Walt put down a finger.

" Okay never have i ever stepped on glass," i said.

Walt and Logan put down a finger.

" Never have i ever eaten shaving cream," Logan said.

Walt put down a finger.

All of us looked at him. " Is there anything you have never done???" I asked him in disbelief. 

Walt shrugged and answered," Hey you never know until you do it. I was just trying things out!"

We all shook our heads at him. Like i said Walt is an idiot.

-------3 hours later---------

We finally finished playing never have i ever. We played a ton of rounds.

" Okay now what?" Logan asked.

" Well we can go rock climbing?" Connor suggested.


What? Dont judge. Its fun.

We all ran outside and got into the cars and drove to the rock climbing place.

----------18 minutes later---------

We arrived and we all piled out. I ran into the building. Tons of rock climbing to do!

This is gonna be fun.

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