"Do you think you can help us?"I looked at him confused."They have been holding information how to win their affection,If you can help us surely 2 of us can win them over"Rhys said.

"You know,you guys talk super weird,no offence but I am like the love master not to brag or anything,Ofcourse I will help!!"I exclaimed.

"Which whould you set your alliance with?"Asch asked.

"It has to be me"Leif said.

"No me!"Noi argued.

"I'm not picking favorites I'm just gonna help ya'll how to woo them"I said

"Why you–" "We accept your humble offer"Rhys interuped Asch.

Pierce placed his hand on Asch's shoulder and whispered to him about something that made him cool down.

"Okay so a kiss,you cannot rush it,you have to take it slow,meaningful and gentle"I said with a smile.

"Can you show us what a kiss is?"Noi asked I nodded and took out my phone and searched video's of people kissing.I then show the video to them.

"Oohhh your talking about caress"Rhys pointed out.

"Huh so human's call it something different."Leif said.

I then started to explain how to win them over,they asked me some questions here and there but I think they get it.'Damn they really don't know a thing about wooing a girl well..except for Leif he kinda knows?'I thought.

Then Ava and (y/n) walked out of the bathroom.


I looked at the boys confused.They were all smiling at me?Wait no us.I find it off..'Did Lorelai do something to them?'I thought.

"What happend?"I asked.

Lorelai then excused herself since she's gonna buy the tickets.

"Did something happen?Why are you all smiling?"Ava asked.

"No reason!Just basking in your beauty"Rhys said.

'OOoooOoHhHHh~Rhys when did you get so smooth'I giggled.

"Okayyy let's go buy some snack while Lorelai buys the ticke–Shoot I didn't even tell her what movie!Damnit she's gonna pick something Terrible"Ava groaned.

We then went to get snacks for the movie.

~•Timeskip at Home•~

We arrived back at Ava's apartment,sadly we didn't finish watching the movie since the guys were being noisy in the movie theater,and got kicked out by it.Both Ava and I were inside the apartment while Lorelai was outside the door.

"Sorry about them they are weird"Ava said rubbing the back of her head.

"No it's fine!Atleast I get to spend time with you!How about we try next we–"Lorelai got cut off by Ava closing the door in her.

Ava then sighed in releif."Oh thank Irene I don't get to hangout with her anymore.."She said.

"That was rude,but I did have fun.I know you did too Ava~"I said she then gave me a glare and walked further inside her apartment.

Then I heard Pierce maybe exclaimed the word 'Disapointed'.I giggled and followed Ava.

"But what about the kiss?"Noi asked.

'Wait...when did he know about kissing??.........LORELAI!!'I screamed in my head.

"Uuhhhgg ignore the kiss let's talk about the marriage!"Asch exclaimed.

Ava then sprinted towards then and gave all of them a quick peck on the cheek,she then walked up to me and pecked my cheek as well.She then ran into her room slamming the door in the process.

We were just standing there frozen as ice'Why did she kiss me too??Weird..'I then looked at the boys all of them had a blush on their face.

"Wait...What about you princess (y/n)?"Rhys asked.

"W-wha huh?"I looked at him confused.

"What about a caress from you?"He asked again.

I felt my face heat up."W-what?!I uhh...umm...w-well I-I...AHH SCREW THIS!!"I walked up to each of them and gave them a peck on the lips.I stopped and looked at them.

"H-happy now?"I asked,they stayed quiet then suddenly Noi fainted,I just giggled I then walked passed them and went into my room."Well uhhh..see you guys,I'm gonna nap in my room..welp Bye!!"I shut the door and locked it.I jumped on my bed and hugged my stuffed hippo.'What the hell was I thinking?!Kissing them on the lips?!WHY DID I EVEN DID THAT?!!UUUUHHHGGGGG THIS IS SOOO CONFUSING!!!'I was rolling around my bed and made weird sounds.

"Uuhhgg how stupid of me...Do I like them?Nonono they like Ava more...I just broke up with my boyfriend...I don't think It's a good time to find another...Why am I like this??"I asked myself as I looked up at the ceiling.

"Maybe a nap can take my mind off of this delema..."I closed my eyes and drift to sleep.

woopdee doo that was weird...very weird...why did I do that?Oh well..
Hope you all enjoy!!


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