The Tea

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Izuku's pov

The past week was perfectly fine, me and Shinso made up, while we were out looking for my body we ran into the LOV a couple of times and scared them off, Sho tried to fuck me a million times, I got to resume classes, but sadly we still couldent find my body, oh and dad found out about what we were doing. "So you were out in the middle of the night trying to find problem childs body that was hidden by gods?" dad sighed. The whole Izu protection squad looked around at each other not wanting to say anything. "Y-yes," Eri warily responded. "Why dident you tell me of course I'd fucking help you, now all of you leave I want to talk to problem child alone," dad said.

Once everyone left dad looked at me with rage in his eyes. "B-before you say anything I j-just want you to know that I d-didn't know if you w-wanted to know about it, a-and we thought it w-would be easy, b-but we ran into the LOV a-and all the information I-I'm receiving isn't h-helping," I stuttered floating up to the ceiling. "Stop making excuses Izuku Midoriya, you knew that if you were doing something that would bring you back to life I would help out, and why didn't you tell me about the LOV before," dad growled. "W-we did ent k-know much. A-all we know is that i-if they get their c-crusty hands on my body i-i might be evil," I stammered. "And you thought you wouldn't tell me that because it wasn't that important?" dad asked angry. "Y-yes," I responded, truthfully. "Don't go invisible and don't leave this room, I'm going to get Hizashi," dad growled, walking out of the room.

"Wow that must have sucked," Mina pitied. "Mhm, now I want the tea about Kacchan and Kirishima," I responded. "They act like they're dating but they want everyone else to know," Sho spoke up. "Yeah we caught them holding hands a couple of times," Mina followed up. "Well I saw them kissing, but when I asked them about it they said it was a friend kiss," Azzy added on, appearing out of nowhere. "Bitch when did you get here?" I asked. "Do you and Todoroki kiss because you're friends, and do mama angel and demon dad kiss because they are friends?" Azzy asked. I choked on my milk and Sho choked on his strawberry pocky as Mina tried to explain what kissing meant.

"Woah so Izuku and Todoroki are married," Azzy exclaimed, making me and Sho choke once again and Mina laugh. "N-no me and Zuku kiss because we love each other, kissing doesn't always mean you're married," Sho explained. "Oooooh so what about the thing Izu told Inari about, he always said everyone hated it because you guys were loud?" Azzy asked. I spit my milk out, Mina started to laugh even harder, and Sho gave me a death glare. "Y-you know I think I have to go," I stuttered, running through the wall.

Bakugou's pov

I was walking to the forest by UA to see if Izu's body was hidden there when Izu ran into me, literally. 'Woah I can possess people,' Izu thought surprised. 'Yeah whatever, now get the fuck out of my body please,' I thought back. 'Can't, Azzy asked about the fucking me and Sho do, also when I get out of this body you don't tell Sho where I am and I don't tell the whole class yor're dating Kirishima, now shush," Izu negoshiated. "Do you know where Zuku floated off to?" Icyhot asked angrily. "Why would you like to know fucking bitch," Izu responded, acting like me. "You know I could fold your ass right now," Icyhot growled, activating his fire side. "Tch, over there," Izu responded, pointing in the direction of the school. "You live another day Bakubitch," Icyhot mumbled running off in the direction Izu pointed in. Once the coast was clear he walked out of my body and I regained control. "Damn that felt weird, and you nailed my impresion. "Hey what can I say, I've been burying bodys with you ever since we got reunited," Izu laughed as I looked around nervously.

Me and Izu walked to the forest to start digging. "So any other information about where the body is?" I asked, jumping in a hole to dig deeper. "No, the only information I got is describing the area like there can be water, it's underground, you have to dig, and stuff like that," Izu responded. "Wait, water!?" I asked surprised. "Yeah- Ooooooh, we have been looking in the wrong places," Izu realized. "No it could still be in a forest but just in a creek or something," I sighed, filling the hole back up. "Did you hear about the new book the author is writing?" Izu asked. "Oh yeah I think when it's published it's going to be called seeing darkness. Also isn't it a blind Au?" I responded. "Yeah I can't wait to read it, and I think the readers should read it when the first two chapters are done," Izu laughed.

"Did you also hear that Amazon didn't deliver the mangas that the author ordered two weeks ago," I asked. "Yeah and they were supposed to be delivered a couple days ago," Izu lamented. "Damn Amazon they can't even deliver a fucking package," me and Izu shook our heads at the same time.

( 907 words )

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