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Torracat pov

We searched everywhere no signs of the kids and no sign of team rocket, after searching all of the islands everyone gave up, everyone but me and lycanroc. We go out every night trying to find something but nothing at the point lycanroc was losing hope but I never gave up. Every time I got something it would disappear when it got stronger. Zeraora, zerario, lycanark, and Crystal would help us they would always look during the day, the more we can't find them the more I lose hope. Zeraora: everyone I found something. We all ran to see what he found, it was a piece of fur from the kids. Lycanark: let me smell it I can tell you what happened before the fur fell.

In lycanark mind

Leo: lazuli do you think we made the right choice. Lazuli: we did it to save mom and dad but I know we'll escape. Jessie: keep it up we don't have all day. Boss: be nice to them they left their parents remember. Meowth: you will be with us forever. James: everyone get back! Jessie: why. The floor was breaking until leo and lazuli fell through and fell into a st4ong current river. Until they fell in the waterfall and hit the floor.

End of story

When lycanark told us the story we all cried because the kids were gone forever. "No it can't be" lycanark: I'm afraid so.

House To Ourselves  (Lycanroc X Torracat) Finished Where stories live. Discover now