One of the first accounts that I followed when I started this account, 'sketchyarts', had a new profile pic and some other account on their biography, so I decided to check it out. '_random_drawings_' is the name of the account and their new here, I wonder how 'sketchyarts' knows them, maybe they know each other in real life. I don't know. I clicked on the single post that the new account has to see it and I was surprised. You see, 'sketchyarts' is an aesthetic account, all cute and stuff, and then '_random_drawings_' has this draw that probably has a deep meaning behind it and can mean so many things, it reminds me of my own art. People that aren't from the art community or that have different thoughts than mine, usually say that the stuff I draw is depressive or emo or something like that, but the people that think like me or are in the art community usually think that expresses feelings and has deep meanings, like I said earlier.

I decided to like it and follow them, but something told me to hit the 'dm' button and text them saying that I like it, so I did it. I thought of many ways to say what I wanted to say but they didn't sound good. Like, some would sound too friendly, others flirty, others too cold. In the end, I decided to just send a simple 'I like your style'. After it sent, I put down my phone and put the things that I used to eat in the sink, it was toast if you're wondering. I grabbed my phone and went to the basement where I found Mikey and Ray playing a few notes and accords and Frank sat on one of the bean bags that we have in here.

In this band, I was the singer, Frank and Ray play guitar and do the chorus and Mikey plays bass. We still haven't found a drummer but we are in need of one, but that's not gonna stop us from doing music. We have made some musics, without the drum part, and they're pretty good, at least for us, I think nobody else has heard our music. Oh well, what matters is that we have fun while doing it. "Took ya long enough." Frank exclaimed when he saw me.

"Well, I needed to eat. And it's not like you don't have Mikey and Ray to practice with." I said to Frank as I walked to the mic and he got up and grabbed his guitar. Mikey and Ray saw me too and stopped playing for a bit. "What do you want to play? We got Untitled One, Untitled Two, Untitled Three, Untitled Four, Untitled Five, Untitled Six and Untitled Seven. Which one?" We laughed at that. The songs have lyrics, obviously because if not they wouldn't need me, but we still haven't choose names for them.

"We need to choose namesssss." Mikey groaned for the millionth time. He doesn't like that we have a music but not a name because it's like knowing a person but not knowing their name. I kind of agree with him, it's weird, but it doesn't bother me much. "It's about damn time that we get these musics a name! It's been like this for months!" He did have point there, I've actually been thinking of some names but never told the boys. Oops.

"I kind of have been thinking about them for a few weeks..." I murtered but they still heard me and Mikey glared at me and motioned with his hand for me to continue. "The easiest one to think about was Untitled Three, that one I thought we could name it 'Teenagers'." I paused to see their reactions or hear what they had to say, but they just nodded so I continued. "Untitled Six was easy too, 'The Kids From Yesterday'. That's it." I made a bit of jazz hands and looked at them. They all seemed in thought so I just stood there, awkwardly.

"How can we not know a title for Untitled Two?! It's so obvious because it's basically all the chorus!" Ray laughed as he threw his fro back. I thought a bit and started to laugh and Mikey and Frank joined us a second later too. Seriously, we're so dumb. After we calmed down a bit, Ray continued. "'I'm Not Okay'! And we could add a 'I Promise' in parentheses after that just because we can."

"That's cool. We'll see the rest later. Let's play Untitled One." Frank said, already in position to start to play. Mikey and Ray also got in position and I grabbed my phone to put the drums thing that we made in the phone for this music. I hit play and it started a beat between the snare drum and bass drum.

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