Chapter 2

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(🚨Warning🚨: the names of the accounts used in here, aren't real, at least I don't know anyone with these names and I made them up because it's a fic)

(*moments later* Okay so, I looked the names of the accounts that are gonna appear in here up and turns out that they exist. I'm not gonna change because A. I can't think of other names, the acc belonging to Victoria I had to google 'random names for art acc on insta' because I didn't know anymore sooooo and B. because the cover took me so much time doing it and I'm not gonna change the name in there too. I'll leave for now byeee)

(ALSO, don't forget the times zones (they are bitches))

(I'm so sorry but another thing, in Gee's band it's gonna be just My Chem music, in Sof's band it's gonna be random musics, like, Imagine Dragons, My Chem and others. Just saying. Byeee)

Gerard's POV

"Gerard! Wake up! Frank and Ray are gonna be here anytime now!" Mikey bang his fist on my door to wake me up. I looked at the clock to see the hours, 9:00am. Why did I agree to have band practice at 9am in a sunday? Oh that's right, neither of us can do that this afternoon so we have to do it in the morning. I literally rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with a loud bang. "Gee? Did you rolled out of bed, again? Mom already told you to stop doing that, not only because we hear a loud bang downstairs but because you could get hurt." Mikey repeated what our mom already said to me a million times.

"Yeah yeah. I'm a pro at this by now, Mikes. I don't get hurt." I informed him as I got up and dusted off my pj's. I went to my dresser and got a pair of jeans and a hoodie. What color, you ask. Black, obviously. Black is probably my favorite color, along with red, and in clothes it's just comfortable. I think that I once read a thing on internet that said that black clothes kind of disguise your body form or something like that. An example, if you were a fat man or woman, no offence to anybody it's just an example, black clothes would make you look less fat than white clothes or any other color. It also helps when they are baggy clothes because that way, it isn't basically glued to your body and doesn't show much things. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear the knock on my door, so when it opened and three guys walked in, I almost had an heart attack. "What the heck?!" I exclaimed loudly.

"You weren't answering so we decided to walk in." Frank shrugged and smirked as he sat on my messy bed. I rolled my eyes and went to the small mirror that I had on one of the wall, to see if my hair was bad but it was my normal bad and I didn't had to do anything or if it was really bad and I needed to at least brush it a little. I was glad to see that it was the former rather than the latter.

"What were you thinking anyway? It must be something important because you went deaf." Ray joked. Would it be weird if I said that I was thinking about color clothes and how they disguise you? Yes, yes it would. Do I needed to think of another thing to say now? Yeah I do. Can I just say what I usually say? That works too. Hotel? Trivago. God, I'm such a loser.

"Stuff." I decided to go with the latter, not the Trivago one, that's just a joke. Why am I even explaining this to myself when I know exactly what I mean? "Let's go." I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room with the guys right behind me. We headed down stairs and they started to go to the basement to start to play and I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. They didn't ask where I was going so I supposed that Mikey had told them that I just woke up and needed something in my system to not pass out. While I ate something, I checked my social media, it was more my drawing account then my real social media because it barely gets anything. In my drawing account, that is on instagram, I had a few more likes and a few comments that I, in return, decided to like them instead of replaying, it's just more easy. I checked some of my internet friends stories and checked their account to see if I didn't miss anything new.

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