Chapter Eleven

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                 Chapter Eleven

Lisandre rushed her quickly, each blow faster and harder than the last. Sacreia managed to place Abreya between her and Lisandre and blocked the attacks for what little it did. For each impact would push her backwards and would eventually break through her guard. The attacks suddenly halted causing her to drop her guard but for a moment. A most fatal mistake, for the moment she lowered her sword Lisandre unleashed a twisting kick that ignored the exoskeleton and tore through the flesh on her abdomen. A straight jab followed after striking with such force that it tore through the pavement behind her with a wave of extreme force causing the stone to upturn and curl inwards. A crushing heel blow followed after, Lisandre’s heel slamming atop of Sacreia’s head with a sickening crack that threw her to the floor face first.

Curling her hand into a fist, Lisandre slammed it into Sacreia’s back with great force, the earth beneath them shattering and forming a small crater. Taking hold of her long bloodied hair, Lisandre pulled Sacreia to her feet and immediately elbows her harshly with enough force to send her hurtling backwards where she skid upon the broken pavement several meters away until crashing into a lamp post. Magic coals fell onto her face only to dissolve moments later. Sacreia slowly rose to her feet, her body attempting to regenerate from the heavy damage sustained. It was as if Lisandre’s power had rose hundred fold, each blow near depleted her life force entirely, if she wasn’t careful she could very easily die.

Lisandre slammed her fists into one another, the blade shards within her fists scraping against one another creating a loud ringing noise that shook the area. Sacreia motioned to cover her ears, the sound nearly causing her to go deaf entirely. Upon doing so, Lisandre rushed towards leaving a trail of black dust behind her. Lisandre slammed her fist down towards Sacreia who at the last second, managed to leap backwards causing the attack to instead hit the ground. The force of impact was enough to cause her to stumble forwards giving her an opening. Sacreia slashed towards Lisandre, the massive blade simply bouncing off one of the many blade shards that protruded through her body. “What the-?” she blurted out just before having Lisandre counter with two strikes from her fists. Each one having torn through her body and causing the exoskeleton around her to shatter entirely. Her stores of energy were run dry, her life force at the lowest.

One final sweeping kick near cut her in two sending a spray of crimson blood and chunks of flesh flying to the side. Sacreia’s eyes grew wide as she grasped at the large wound in her abdomen, her innards slithering out of her like black snakes. Her eyesight began to grow dark, her grip on Abreya loosening momentarily as the red wyrmstone in its guard began to pulse faintly. Lisandre took a step back, her head lowering and glaring upon the sword curiously.
“It seems you cannot escape your fate after all…” she said in an reverberating echo.
A pained yell escaped from Sacreia’s mouth followed by the red wyrmstone within Abreya’s guard shattering and releasing a blinding red light. Her exoskeleton reformed, its appearance altered and becoming heavily armored in comparison to its previous incarnation. Molten fissures ran along the back of her hand and up her arms and into two large smoking pauldrons. The same fissures ran up her legs and through the plated ventral scales and branching out around the middle of her back. Two large spikes jutted out from her shoulder blades curving upwards ending where her ears would have been.

Much like Lisandre’s helmet, she too possessed one of a similar variety. Two brow horns curved upward behind her followed by a crown of small horns that ran between them. Plumes of black smoke shot out from the helmet’s nostrils.

Abreya reformed in her left hand, its appearance having also been changed. The red wyrmstone was gone, the massive blade lost its serrated edge leaving it with a standard cutting edge. It became vaguely transparent reminiscent of a scarlet crystal.
“Aha… Well, I figured this would happen. Let me explain-“ Lisandre’s right arm flew from her body and immediately burst into pieces without warning. If Sacreia attacked her, she did not notice. Turning her gaze to the gaping hole where her arm once was, Lisandre let out a pained shriek as blood sprayed from it. Reverting her gaze back to where Sacreia stood, she noticed her dear friend went missing. A pained gasp escaped her as Sacreia remerged in front of her, Abreya having pierced through her chest and lifting her from the ground. The exoskeleton upon her body tore apart leaving her entirely bare, her arm and legs dangling loosely, eyes listless. Sacreia kicked Lisandre’s body from the sword and caused it to vanish briefly. Within seconds the power that had consumed her body left her and Sacreia’s previous form returned.

Nihilos Draconum Chapter VII(Actual final book version. Updated)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant