Chapter Ten

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                                              Chapter Ten

“Hey! Come back! I have so many things I could have you wear! C’mon! You could be fabulous!” F’aore yelled towards her. Not wanting to linger any longer, she darted ahead and disappeared into a crowd of humans. Many spoke of the slaughter in the bronze square, most of the people who witnessed the attack spoke of a red headed woman with monstrous strength who tore them apart as if they were twigs. News traveled quickly, and it wouldn’t be long until people suspected or recognized her. Have you felt nothing yet? Sacreia asked Nelai, but received no answer.

Left alone and practically blind as to what it was she was searching for it seemed. Night was beginning to fall, and the streets became temporarily dark. Many lamp posts sparked to life with brilliant blue and purple magic lights that killed off the darkness. It wasn’t long until the streets were near empty save for a few who continued to gossip. Sacreia turned toward the Gold Square, where the nobility made their home. Fancy gilded signs, golden doorways and even a marble fountain at the center of the square. There were varying plants at each doorstep, pretty looking rose bushes and an assortment of small bakeries and restaurants. It smelled sweet here, of flowery perfumes and cakes the like she has never tasted.

Upon stepping near the fountain, the area grew silent and she realized everyone was staring at her. Every single fancily dressed nobleman stared upon her like some choice cut of meat.
“…How much do you think she’s worth?”
“…Where’s a slaver when you need it? I’d pay a high price for her…”
“…Do you see the chest on this one? Dwarfs a great deal of the women here.”
She realized then that they were objectifying her, they wanted her. She could feel a burning anger welling up inside her. She did her best to try and stave it off. Sacreia’s eyes darted towards one of the many buildings around her and narrowed toward the basement. A peculiar image caught her sight.

A bare Nerokois woman was chained to a wall, her wrists and ankles bound. Turning to another window, she noticed a female elf in the same position. Another window showed more. Each and every residence had at least one or more slaves within it. She could contain her hatred no longer, these despicable humans needed to be disposed of. Her eyes let off a fierce glow as her pupils became vertically slit, her left hand shooting forwards as Abreya manifested itself in her palm. The group of nobles who spoke of her noticed the massive blade in her hand and turned to run, their screams of terror filling the air. One called for the guards and managed to activate a warning device that set off a flashing red light throughout the area.

The square was now empty, save for the countless guards that surrounded her at every possible entry and exit. These were more properly outfitted, most wearing heavy steel full plate mail. Some even had fancy looking greatswords upon their backs. Far too gilded and impractical. “Surrender yourself, elf! You do not stand a chance against us, we outnumber you!” The guard captain roared. He stood out amongst them, his full plate appearing a great deal thinner than the rest and giving off a strange blue shine. Upon the cuirass was an emblem of sorts. A bloody red spear upon a black square field and two dead men beneath them. Some sort of family crest perhaps.

“Do you believe you stand an inkling of a chance? I am no mere elf. Not like the ones you ingrates keep as pets. However…” She gave them a maniacal toothy grin and let out a cackle. “If it is death you seek, then you have found it. Come, I shall bring you what you seek. Your blood will become a river that drowns this city.”

The guard captain shook his head slowly and shot his arm forward. “Charge her then! Wound her only enough to where she is incapacitated, and naught more!” Countless guards rushed towards her on all sides yelling various household names as if they were honoring their families. A familiar sensation coursed through her body, the scenery around rapidly shifting between a day lit grassy field of armed soldiers rushing to meet another army midway. Their bodies covering the earth entirely within minutes.

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