Chapter 5

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I'm sorry. I know I messed up, but please let me talk to you. You haven't been lifting up your phone or texting back and even when I try to talk to you, you squirm away.

Trust me, I didn't want to send you a message in a letter, but I needed to get through to you. Please, just let me explain myself and then you can do whatever you want.



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We are screwed.

We had been for the past few weeks ever since the revelation that Jason was still alive and Secret Keeper ran Julia over with a car. Secret Keeper had been silent since then, letting us scramble for answers as she sipped her tea in amusement. At first, the possibility of someone I had never met knowing my every move gave me shivers. I would lock my door, checking the windows, shutting the curtains as tight as possible, even hanging a bell on my door to make it ring when one tried to enter. But in the past few days, I had relaxed much more, letting my guard down.

Hence why I was sprawled out on a chaise beside an indoor pool, wearing shorts paired with a crop top and sunglasses, trying to pretend like I was on the beach which was too cool at the moment. A tall glass of lemonade sat beside me, half-empty, ice melting. I closed my eyes letting the smell of chlorine lull me to sleep. The paper fluttered out of my hands and I didn't bother to pick up Tyler's note.

Yes, I did just discover I had another personality in my head. Yes, Jason did fake his death. Yes, Secret Keeper's stringing us like puppets. Yes, Julia was in the hospital. But, the winter holidays were supposed to be the time I recharged after a long semester and we all saw how well that went. For god's sake, I needed a break, the rest of the world be damned.

So, I kept sipping my lemonade as if I had all the time in the world. Alyssa would be proud. I wondered if my alter ego would too.

Of course, my peace was destroyed when Tyler slammed open the door of the community pool. He paused for a moment, drinking in my relaxed state and his lips quirked up at the edges.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself."

I said nothing, keeping a poker face as I took a long sip out of the straw once again, gazing out at the pool. Tyler was growing more uncomfortable by the second by my attitude, shifting on each foot before slowly sitting beside me, still unsure of himself.

Alyssa would be giving me an award at this point.

Tyler placed the phone in his hands on the table and cleared his throat. I swiveled my head to the side, casting him a bored expression though I doubted he could see my eyes through the sunglasses.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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