We Meet the Oracle Again

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"How will we ever find the map through this asteroid field?" Witch groaned. "It isn't on any of the maps that we have!"

"What if we see that Oracle person again?" Shiki suggests.

"You mean Xiaomei?" Rebecca says.

"I think that's her name."

"We could see her... but we know the price she'll ask."

"She'll make us fight!" Happy exclaimed.

"So what? I can take them on!" Shiki says, jumping to his feet.

"It's our best chance. We'll fast travel there, get the map, fast travel back here, and make it through the asteroid field." Sister says.

"Sounds good to me! Let's go!" Rebecca says.

Witch sets up the hyperdrive, and their off! They arrived in a few hours. This time, they only brought crew members who could fight, just in case. The last time they visited Xiaomei for information, the price they had to pay was entertaining her by fighting her bots. Shiki, Rebecca, Happy, and Homura. The others stayed behind.

They entered the Oracle's house... or rather, mansion. The place was huge! Just like last time, when they entered, they seemed to be walking on nothing. Stars surrounded them. The Oracle sat on a throne again of them.

"I knew you would come, Demon King." Xiaomei said.

"Hey, what's up, Xiaomei?" Shiki said.

"Just waiting for you. Now, the price for the map you want isn't too bad... only two fights. I wish for the Demon King to fight first." Xiaomei's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I love battles! They're the one thing I can't predict the outcome of!"

"Yes, you mentioned that the last time." Rebecca said, rolling her eyes.

"Yes, well. Here we go!"

The floor... or space... that they had been walking on disappeared. They fell into an arena, just like last time. A door opened, and out came... Hermit?!

"This is just a replica of your friend Hermit. Don't worry, she isn't the real thing. Now, defeat her, Great Demon King!" Xiaomei drooled at the fight to come.

"With pleasure!" Shiki ran towards the Replica Hermit.

The Replica Hermit began to code. She coded bullets, which fell from the ceiling. Shiki altered their gravity and sent then straight to Replica Hermit. She coded a barrier, which once again sent them back to Shiki. Before they could hit him, he switched his own gravity so that he now stood on the ceiling of the arena. Replica Hermit sent a wave of bullets that completely surrounded Shiki. There was no where to dodge! He altered the gravity of the bullets, and they shot straight back to Replica Hermit. She coded a shield, but there were too many. She was hit!

Replica Hermit was down.

"The real Hermit would have been much stronger than that." Shiki said.

Xiaomei was still drooling, her eyes still sparkling. "Wonderful! Shiki, the Great Demon King, has won! But this battle will be even harder! All of you will battle together!"

They were all surprised. Who would they be fighting that required all of them to work together? The door to the arena opened. And there they were. Shiki, Rebecca, Happy, and Homura stood in front of them.

"What is this?!" Rebecca exclaimed.

"Bot Replicas of yourselves! They even share each of your abilities! The only rule is that you need to fight your own replica, not someone else's. Though this way, I already know that Rebecca, Shiki, Happy, and Homura will win!" Xiaomei laughed at her joke. "Now, begin!"

Replica Rebecca shot Happy at Rebecca. Rebecca shot back. Replica Shiki shot Gravity Bullets at Shiki. He altered their gravity back to his replica. Replica Homura and Homura simply circled each other, voicing their thoughts without meaning too.

"This is so odd, fighting myself."

"I was created to fight... but why am I fighting a model that looks the same as me?"

"I don't want to fight... but I would never admit that!"

"I don't really wish to fight this newer looking model, though I won't say that out loud, since I don't wish to disappoint my mistress!"

"I would never admit that I'm afraid I'll lose to myself..." and so on and so on.

Soon, Shiki had defeated his replica. A replica could never be as strong as the actual Great Demon King. It'd be shameful if he had lost.

Next, Rebecca and Happy defeated their replicas. They had been tough to beat, and almost exactly equal in skill level.

And then there were the Homuras.The two of them hadn't actually fought. They spent the entire fight circling each other and voicing their thoughts. Finally, Replica Homura's legs got tired and shut down, so Homura won.

"That was delic - I mean, that was exciting!" Xiaomei said. "Now, if you'll follow me, I'll give you the map you seek."

The arena floor became liquid under their feet, and they fell back to the room... or rather, space... that they had arrived in. Xiaomei handed Shiki a small cube.

"Here. This B-Cube holds the map that you need. You just need the password, but your coding friend Hermit can help you with that. I wish you all the best of luck!" Xiaomei said.

"Thanks Xia! See ya around!" Shiki said, waving as they walked out the door.

"Xia?" Xiaomei said, perplexed. "No one's ever called me that before..."

And so, they now had the map they needed to pass through the asteroid field.

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