Chapter Ten

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'The pale skin and rosy cheeks of his comrade was playing tricks on his mind. Alex was always loud and anything but the stereotype for a cute girl but seeing her like this made Shino waver from his emotionless exterior.'

The news that her clan hadn't just fallen, It had been burnt to a crisp it Alex like a ton of bricks. It turned out that her cousin completed his training and master Ram eclipse among other techniques that were confined to the members of their clan while Alex was on the body guard mission. The news had not gone down well with Alex and it created a anxious attitude towards her.

Although she was still healing from the damage the mission had done to her body, she wasn't one to be sitting around and the news of her clans seemed to snap something inside her that caused her to act even more obnoxious and annoying that usual, at least that what Shino had been saying to his comrades.

Alex stared up at the ceiling with tear stains on her cheeks. The pure white paint she had been staring at for hours was starting to make her feel sick as it reminded her of the ignorance she once had towards her clan but now she was all that was left of the main branch. Well that wasn't true, once the head of the house is taken out, the side branch have the right to become the main branch of the clan. All of this meant that Alex was the sole survivor of the new side branch and that feeling made her physically sick to think about. She couldn't take this anymore, she couldn't take laying here with damage to her chakra networks in her arms and large cuts that were deep enough that if she was to shift her position in a jolting manner it would rip open her wounds and begin to bleed again. Once another visitor session for Alex had with Hinata had finished. That's if you could call Hinata looking increasable worried as she replaced the wilting sunflowers with fresh ones a visitor session. Alex sat up and disconnected the IV drip she had attached to her left arm. The feeling of pulling the needle out of her arm caused a wince on her part but it was nothing compared to the pain that her wounds were inflicting on her fragile body. She had a look around the room and smiled very slightly as she saw her everyday clothes folded neatly on a chair in the corner of the room and knew that Hinata must of placed them there in case she needed them.

Alex shook her head slightly and proceeded to slip on the black shirt and grey jumper onto her body. It hadn't been clear to her but the damage to her body had been more server that she thought as most of her body was covered in bandages. She ignored them and quickly pulled on her trousers and shoes before she was caught out of bed. As she looked around the room she thought about how she was going to get out of the hospital and the only way that came to mind was the window.

"If I use the door, they will catch me, looks like it's the window for me" She nodded to no one but herself and climbed out the window with groans escaping her mouth from the intense pain.

Once she was outside she took a deep breath and sighed gently.

"I've missed that fresh air, now to train" It was clear to her that she wasn't ready to train, however once again she wasn't listening to her own judgement and went along with it anyway. She wasn't able to go very far in her condition and so she used the grass that resided out the hospital as her training ground.

It didn't take her long to summon Shoku, however once Shoku saw her partners condition tears began to brew in her black eyes which caused Alex's heart to feel with guilt.

"Shoku, I'm OK, really" She announced as she picked up Shoku and held her in her arms for a few moments before breaking the silence.

"Let's just training, I won't let father's death be in vein." However when Alex spoke those words sadness flooded her heart. She had tried to leave the grief and pain of her families death out of her head but it was all flooding back to her now. She hoped that they didn't suffer too badly but by the condition that the house was in that didn't seem the case. The house was set on fire and those inside the house were burnt alive with no available exits. As much as she wished that there was some way to bring them back, she knew that wasn't true but Alex knew that her clan would not go down without a fight, which brought the thought of her cousin to her thoughts. He must be really powerful now.

Ohitsujiza: The clan of Rams [Naruto FanFiction] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now