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'Alex wasn't a sensei to be pushed over and if necessary she would implement stick rules, however the rest of the squad admired her, for both her history and her involvement in the fourth war as both part of the medical core and on the front lines.'

"Aunt Alex!" a small girl, around the age of five ran at Alex with a wide smile plastered on her face.

As the girl was in was close enough, Alex bent down and swooped the girl up in her arms and span her around before speaking to her.

"Why hello there, little Himawari. How is my favourite niece?"

But I'm your only niece!" She let out a little giggle.

"That is true and that is why you are my favourite!" Alex kissed her cheek gently before putting her back on the ground and turning to Hinata.

"Hello, Alex. Perfect timing, would you like to come in for some tea?"

Alex stretched out her arms gently and gazed over to her watch on her wrist that had been giving to her by Shino on their sixth anniversary of being together. It's funny how time flies by without a trace. It had been over thirteen years since the end of the fourth war and seven years since Shino and Alex had declared their love for each other. A lot had changed in those thirteen years.

" Just a quick one, that trip to the sand really wiped it out of me and to put up with your hyperactive son in training tomorrow will take all my energy" Alex let out a loud laugh before following Hinata into the house.

"I'm sorry he's such a handful, he's just like his father."

"That he is, Hinata. Not to worry you know I am a strict sensei. It helps that the other members of team three keep him in check."

"Well what do you expect from Lee's Son and Sarada Uchiha?"

"Very true, but we all know it's easy for me to keep them in check, I'm not a push over" As Alex let out a loud laugh she settle down in on of the comfy chairs with a relieving sigh.

"Ah, now that's a good seat. I really need this. The mission with the sand took longer than I would of cared for it to be. I've been away from Shino and Gesshoku for over a week now."

Hinata sat down on the chair opposite her and put the freshly brewed tea on the coffee table.

"Oh yes how is dear Shino?"

Alex's eyes suddenly brightened up as she spoke.

"He is great, the kids at the academy still give him a bad time but knowing him he probably scared them with his bugs" She let out a little laugh.

"But we are still very happy."

"And what about the marriage deal?

Alex looked at Hinata and shook her head.

"I know we are the only one's who haven't tied the knot, but you know us, it's just not for us. We are happy just being a family without the silly papers." She nodded and picked up her cup. She took a sip before adding.

"And we have Gesshoku, I don't need anything else.

Hinata stumbled slightly with her words. "I'm sorry but speaking of Gesshoku, how is he?"

" Just like his father, of course you know that he took Shino's clan destiny when he was born. I'm so proud of him for being able to walk in Shino's footsteps. " Alex took another sip before smiling slightly.

"But that doesn't matter, I still have time to pass my kekki genki on. I'm not that old yet!"

They both had a long laugh. With all the word Alex had been doing in the Sand, she hadn't had much time for catching up with Hinata as much as they used to. There were a few moments silence before Hinata spoke up again.

Ohitsujiza: The clan of Rams [Naruto FanFiction] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now