Chapter Two

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 'The pressure of keeping the main branch of the clan safe was on her shoulders and she would do everything in her power to save her clan.'

 It didn't take long for the silence of the walk to turn into a mixture of rustling and talking that filled the wooden building Alex called home. She slipped off her shoes and walked through the long hallway towards the stairs. As she reached the bottom of the stairs she heard some muttering coming from the kitchen, however she ignored it as she presumed that it would be her parents conversing. She jogged up the narrow stairs and slid the door to her room open before closing it behind her. She let out a deep,exhausted breath and fell onto her bed, looking up at the ceiling and muttering to herself.

“I still need to be better than I was yesterday, better than I was an hour ago”

 She turned her head towards her low placed window and watched a few merchants walk past her house with their goods.

“ I have to be strong, for the team and for my clan” She nodded to herself determinedly, looking at her reflection in the window. She sat up and leaned on the window sill and glanced over at Shino's large house in the near distance.

“Hang on”

Alex thought she saw something odd over by his window, however she assumed it was just her eyes messing with her mind and so she just laid down with her eyes closed.

“Just a few minutes sleep with get my energy back up, I'm sure” and so with that she drifted into a shallow sleep.

Her power nap didn't seem to last long, as she was woken by her father pushing her door open. With the sound she leaped up and bowed gently.

“Hello, Father. Is there something you needed?”

Alex's father; Zero Ohitsujiza watched his daughter with a stern look.

“Alex, I heard that you have not improved in training recently” He did not seem to be happy, however it seemed to be something other than what he was stating.

“I'm sorry, Father. I am trying, I just need to work harder and I will.I promise. I will hold our clan up in pride”

He nodded at her and gestured for her to sit and she obeyed his command.

“As we both know this isn't why I am here, I am assumed that you have heard that our family is being pressured to produce a next of kin to take over my place as head of the house once I need to step down. However throughout our history it has always been male other wise the branch family will have the right to own the clan. To over come this, you must master your kekkei genkai with shoku before the offspring of my brother masters his”

Alex's eyes were trying to hide her pain and distress. There was no way she would be able to master her kekkei genkai by then after all she struggled with it daily and although she had made incredible progress, she was no where near mastering it. While she struggled her cousin was so close to mastering it and more.

“Yes, father” She hung her head slightly as thoughts started to flood her head. What was she going to do? If she failed her family would be in danger as well as her house.

“Just remember Alex, we are counting on you” And with that he left. As the door shut behind him she fell back on her bed and forced the tears back, there was no way she would let this be her weakness.

The pressure of keeping the main branch of the clan safe was on her shoulders and she would do everything in her power to save her clan. It was common knowledge to those in her clan that the side branch of the family had a need to take over the clan and change everything that the clan is known for, which caused Alex even more distress.

After composing herself she looked back out of her window with doubt swamping her blue eyes in tears. As she glanced out the window she noticed something that was out of place, a small beetle perched between the window and the sill. Not only was it a beetle but she noticed it looked like one that Shino kept close to him. Her eyebrows knitted together as she reached out her hand to let it onto her. She brought it up to her eye level and sighed.

“Hey, Little guy. Your Shino's aren't you? Well you tell him that if he thinks about listening to my private clan conversations one more time his bugs won't have a body to take host in”

She paused and glanced out of the window before continuing.

“And if he even repeats any of what he heard from my father to Sensei, the last thing he will see is my fist” She let the beetle fly out the windows before growling gently and making a thud as she hit her bed face down. Before too long shoku had pushed her way into Alex's arms and they both fell into a deep sleep.

Shino stared at his window with a slightly frown as her listen to what his beetle had to say. He didn't know what he was going to hear but it wasn't ready for that. If he couldn't tell their sensei then what was he meant to do? He wouldn't normally care however this was one of his neighbouring clans and a comrade. If Alex was going to be in danger something must be done. He came to the conclusion to leave it until after their next mission before doing anything, after all the other branch had to master his kekkei genkai too and that's not easy. All of his thinking never once changed his facial expressions.

Ohitsujiza: The clan of Rams [Naruto FanFiction] [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt