Chapter 33. Free Falling

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"Dearest Aurora

I'm pleased to hear that everything has been going okay at Hogwarts since your return. We were so saddened to let you return, for there was still so much we wanted to walk about with you. I personally understand your concern over the position that you own amongst us, but please see it our way. You are the strongest one of us, something we didn't expect to meet so soon. You are the one that owns the name Lionheart. To others you might be a normal person, or something they are afraid of, but to us you are so much more.

Just know that when the war finally begins, we will stand by you, no matter which side you take.

Let's talk soon.

Yours dearly


I let out a deep sigh and dropped the letter down next to my breakfast plate. I was hungry when I woke up, but that seemed to disappear with this letter. It wasn't like I didn't appreciate them, the other Veneficas I was just that whatever they assured me, kept me on edge. There was a part in me, that didn't trust them for some reason. Agatha could sense things from the future...maybe she saw something in mine, that would be valuable to her.

They had all shared things with me about their past, and what had triggered their Veneficas powers...but they couldn't relate to my story at all. They had been betrayed just like I had...but none of the bore the same kind of responsibility I did. And that's what made us so different. We might be the same species...but we are nothing alike. At least I'm not what they are claiming.

But then a small smile crawled onto my face as I looked at the other letter next to Agatha's letter, which I had also received this morning. It was from New York, and it was from John and Eileen. We had planned for my return to New York ever since the court case was settled, and it was now official that I would go back after I graduated. Eileen shared some exciting news but telling how she had finally gotten her healer exam through and would now begin her doctor studies. John also shared how they wanted me to be there, when they would get married in a small ceremony. Neither had a big family, so they wanted all of their closest friends to be there, and of course I said yes.

"Do you think her eyes glow golden every day?" I heard someone trying to whisper quietly.

"Shh, she might hear! We don't know if she has super hearing! We don't know anything about her?" Another voice quickly said in a panicked manner.

A sneer left my mouth as I moved my eyes forward and saw the small Ravenclaw girl group sitting a few seats away from me, glaring at me time to time, while whispering to each other. It has been months now since my return to Hogwarts. For the most parts, things have gone better than I expected. I have been able to concentrate on school this year more than last year, and have been doing excellent in the classes that I'm most interested in. And it's all because of N.E.W.T's. Even though I'm going to start Auror training straight after graduating, I still want to give my all to the exams. I need to show everyone, that I'm just a normal student...even if my eyes were indeed glowing.

"Oh my Merlin! I think she heard us!" one of the Ravenclaw girls said again. This gained my attention and I looked at them once again. They became pale as I smiled at them and waved my had slightly. "So-sorry, we-we didn't me-mean to st-stare," one of them stuttered.

I stood up from my seat and walked closer to them. "It's alright. Just pretend that I'm just like you. There's nothing really to stare at."

One of them looked at me bravely and smiled slightly. "There has been a lot of gossiping about you...but I think you are really beautiful!"

My smile grew even wider. "Well thank you...and so are you," I winked and continued my way out from the Great Hall, leaving them whispering about me once again.

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