Chapter 26. Date?

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Last time this happened, I felt so cold. It had felt like my whole body was outrun with coldness and as if all the warmth gladly wanted to stay away from met. But then again, it was all acceptable, for before getting this feeling the last time, I had indeed visited the in-between...where I had seen my mother. This time it wasn't like that. I didn't go to the in-between, or whatever you want to call it. I just travelled to this cold place, that made me feel so alone.

But for some reason, my body still had its usual warmness. Yes everything around me was cold, but my body held its side by staying warm.

"Ahh, you are getting the hand of it."

Instantly I recognised that voice, which made shivers run down my body. I tried to look around me but saw nothing but darkness. But that's exactly what you would expect to see when a monster like him invades your mid.

"You should be careful with your words dear."

"Do not call me dear!"

Voldemort laughed dryly, sending a cold wind run past me. "No matter what you think of me, you can not deny the connection we share."

"Well I wouldn't call it a connection...rather an obsession."

"Obsession? Do you think you are the only Veneficas in this world?"

"Of course not, although we are rare...but then again...I'm the only one you are so interested about. But you've got it all wrong though."

"Oh I do? Well, enlighten me then."

"Well first of all, you originally thought that I was special because of my father's blood line being the heir to the Blue family. But that turned out wrong. Then you were told, if I'm not mistaken, by my grandparents that my mother could have had this as well, making their blood special...but that was wrong as well. Turns out, Veneficas can only be born with the purest of blood mixed with love...working as the power."

He was silent, making me wonder whether he had even thought about these things through yet. "You might want to start questioning the people around you telling you bullshit. Yes, you might have succeeded in directing the trigger right in front of me, so that these powers finally got to light...but these powers do not belong to my grandparents or my uncle...especially no to you!"

"But I have no desire to have your powers to myself," he started, surprising me a little bit.

 "Haven't you listened to me at all? I don't want your powers myself; I have far better ideas in my mind to reach the ultimate power...I want you by my side. If you stand by my side, no one can stop us. We could create a world where only purebloods could rule, and the muggles would not be able to ruin anything. Don't you see how your thoughts are getting darker every time you get angry? Can't you see how great you would be, if you would just give into your powers and let them rule you like they're supposed to. You could be great, standing next to me and-"

"Thanks, but I'm already great!"


"You are missing one very important part when it comes to me not ever joining you. You offer ultimate power, but my friends offer me love, something you know nothing about. You may think love is weak and will only end up destroying us...well, I was created by love. I will grow to be more powerful just because of the love I receive. And don't you seriously sense it?"

"Sense what?"

I smirked a little and finally felt my eyes start to glow once more. "You can not control me anymore. I'm too powerful for you!"

Lionheart (HP universe FF) / (Marauders era)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora