Chapter 1. The Bravest Of Them All

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My eyes fixed on the trunk, that was standing opposite to my bed. It was still early in the morning, but who could blame me for staying awake the whole night? I mean, would you, when you would be returning back to the school you kept as your second home?

I gently jumped off the bed and grabbed my jumped, pulling it on me, as I made my way down the wooden stairs towards the kitchen where the house-elf greeted me with confusion. "Miss Aurora is awake too soon, she must go back to sleep," he muttered slowly.

I grinned and put the stove on. "No need to worry Samuel, I'm just too excited to sleep."

The hose-elf glared at me even more, and then took my place, making me a nice cup of tea that would slowly warm me up. "Miss must be happy in Hogwarts," he muttered while sitting down opposite to me.

"Well of course I am! Why wouldn't I be? To be surrounded by magic every day, to be able to use it whenever and to be with you friends. James is there as well!"

"Young Mister Potter has always been a good friend to Miss Aurora," Samuel nodded his head, as if he was agreeing with what he had just said. This made me smile and think about James Potter, one of my best friends, the boy I had known all my life. He was like a brother to me, which was all thanks to the fact that our parents were so close. My mother and his mother used to go to Hogwarts at the same time and were best friends while being there. They went their separate ways when my mother decided to study dragons in France, where she eventually met my father, who had graduated from the Beauxbaton academy. They soon married and decided to return back to England, when they learned that they were expecting me. And once more, by pure fate, my mother met James' mother again and they were like nothing had ever separated them in the first place. And soon two children were brought into this life, which were of course James and I.

We went to the Hogwarts express together, found a compartment, and soon made friends with some other people, who would also become my best friends. They included Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Alice Field, Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. All of us, except one, were sorted into Gryffindor, making us proud of our bravery that all of us definitely had, and decided that together we would go though all the seven school years we had to finish. And now, soon going on or third year, none of us could be more excited.

"He has, though I think he might become more separate from me the upcoming year," I grinned, thinking about all the pranks he told me about.

"Why miss says so?"

"Well he's a boy, wanting to do pranks and run away from professors...I'm not like that. But that's okay, he will always be my friends. And besides I have Lily and Alice and even Marlene!" I said happily.

Soon a figure intruded our little conversation, making me look up towards the kitchen entrance, only seeing my father standing there with a sleepy expression on his face. "Aurora?" he yawned. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep! I'm too excited," I chimed. He shook his head. "You are staring to remind me of your mother the older you grown, I can't believe my little baby is already going for her third year!"

"Dad!" I whined, faking to be embarrassed.

"Now what are you two whining about?" Mother's voice echoed from the hallway, as she also made her way to the kitchen, immediately leaning against dad. I looked at them and smiled brightly. They always looked so happy, even though sometimes nothing was okay. And they loved each other, more than anything else...well except for me, their only daughter. They had a lot of trouble to have children in the first place, but soon were blessed by a daughter. They wanted to cherish and protect me from all the evil the world had to offer to a human. And while I was born during the early stages of the dark times, they did nothing but make the days brighter again with me.

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