Chapter 23

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As soon as Hyunjin entered his room, the image of certain boy occupied his mind immediately. There were still countless missing puzzles, but at least he was sure about one thing; Jisung was the stranger he met in his dream.

"Shouldn't I feel happy? I fought with Seungmin only because I missed him, someone that I've never met in real life. And now that I finally meet him, why do I feel this pain?" He thought.

As if it was not enough, another thought crossed his mind; a negative one at that.

"He knew, Jisung knew. I trusted him, I opened up to him. Why didn't he tell me that that person was actually him? It's unfair. Why do I always fall in love with the wrong person?"

Hyunjin knew he should have waited for his father's explanation. But he could not help it and dial Jisung's number without second thought.

He almost melted once he heard the oh so soothing voice calling his name from the other line, but since his mind was too clouded with anger and agony, he lashed out.

"Guess what?! I'm the only clueless person here. If I trusted you enough, why couldn't you do the same?! Why did you choose to lie to me, Jisung?!"

"I'm sorr---"

"Don't! Save that for later."

Jisung tried to call Hyunjin several times after that. But his effort was fruitless. The older did not even go back to their dorm for a week. He still attended his classes though, but he would go straight to his home once he finished.

In all honesty, he hoped that the younger would try to approach him, look for him, or at least reach out to him through phone if he did regret about his actions. But Jisung did not do either of it. At the same time, ironically, the older was also being trapped with selfishness instead of trying to sort the problem out.

The good news among the unexpected chaos was that his parents have settled the problem. His mother also told him that no matter what Hyunjin's decision was, he would have a full support from her, or rather both from his parents to be exact. He knew what she tried to imply here was his feeling toward the younger and he honestly could not be happier.

But the main issue now was that he has not even talked things out with Jisung. He realized he was overreacting in that particular day and he blamed himself for not letting Jisung to at least explain the reason why he did what he did.

And a week was enough. So he decided to return to the dorm that day. But what he did not expect as soon as he reached his dorm was to see his ex boyfriend, Chan, stood in front of the door.

"Channie?" He called the older hesitantly.

He could see Chan's eyes were red. He cursed himself for not being hostile enough to ignore him. But, Hyunjin was a soft and angelic boy. He could never do that to anyone, so without hesitation he approached the older and hugged him.

As cliché as it sounded, Jisung was unfortunately there, witnessing someone he was longing for to be inside another guy's embrace.

"Of course it'll always be him." He thought before going back inside the elevator and heading down.

The squirrel like boy then spent nearly two hours in the dorm cafeteria, being accompanied by two cups of Americano and some songs blasting his eardrums. He could just go back to one of his friends' place, but he refused to proceed. He wanted to talk with Hyunjin. That was why he waited, giving him and his ex to have time together.

"Pitiful, isn't it?" He thought. "Sure, I haven't done much for him, but it only takes a sudden presence of his past and the next thing I know... I lost him."

Jisung's train of thought was cut off when his phone notified him that there was an incoming phone call.

"You won't come here tonight?" The other line asked.


"That's a shame. I miss you already~"

Jisung chuckled. "Talk to you later." He then hung up the call, deciding to go to his dorm while silently hoping the uninvited guest has left.

Luckily, he did not find any trace of unidentified shoes inside the shoe rack, so he assumed that Hyunjin's ex has gone. After taking a deep breath, he walked toward his shared room and opened the door cautiously.

Hyunjin was there, sitting on his own bed.

"H-hey." The older greeted awkwardly, receiving a weak hum from the younger. "I'm sorry for overreacting the other day. I hope you understand that... I just couldn't handle... a liar."

Jisung snorted. He could not believe what he has heard just now. "Yet you still hugged someone that has cheated on you. What a hypocrite." He spatted.

Hyunjin's blood boiled all of sudden, did not expect such accusation. "At least he isn't someone who killed my older brother."

As soon as the words left Hyunjin's mouth, realization hit him hard. This one definitely has crossed the line and he felt sick by his own words; as if someone has punched him right on his chest hundreds times, especially after he saw the obvious hurtful look on Jisung's face.

"Thank you... for subtly pointing out that my life is that worthless in your eyes."

"Jisung, I'm sorry. I didn't mean---"

"Just leave me alone, Hwang." He snapped before leaving the older with his own thoughts.


A/n am sorry...

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