
Alex pulls away in a flash. The next thing I know, my sweater is pulled up and she's sucking on my nipple. It was so sudden and unexpected that I think my moan just echoed through her whole house. She also seems to think the same because she covers my mouth with her hand.

My body jerks in response and I can't help but bite on her fingers. Instead of complaining, Alex slides her index finger inside my mouth. I gladly suck on it, reciprocating what she's doing to my breast.

Alex's head snaps up. She just looks at me for a second, mouth agape, until it closes to bite on her lip. She slips in another finger. I suck on her fingers, now with my tongue lapping around them, without breaking eye contact. I see the lust burning in Alex's eyes. So raw. So passionate. So intense.

She retrieves her fingers from my mouth. Then she sucks on them.

Oh my God.

Alex looks at me while sucking her fingers, her eyes burning with naked desire that makes my stomach churn in the most pleasant way. This setup is so arousing, so erotic, that I almost want to beg her to touch me—fuck me.

"God, Alex." I push her fingers away and let my mouth take their place. Our tongues battled for dominance, and once again, my hands find themselves tangled through her brown locks.

Alex starts grinding on me, the pressure between my thighs rocking my whole body with welcome gratification. Her hand inches downward towards where I want them. Just as she reaches my pants' button, a doorbell echoes in their house.

Alex almost jumped. She verbalizes her irritation with a string of Tagalog swear words I didn't bother translating.

"A visitor?" I ask between ragged breaths.

She shakes her head. "No, that's mom calling us for errands. We have about one minute before either her or Sophia comes barging in here." She looks at me, her face the picture of frustration.

I imagine I'm mirroring her expression. A part of me just wants to say fuck it and just lock the door. Then the logical part of my brain, the one not consumed by pleasure and the promise of a mind-blowing orgasm, reminds me that my girlfriend's parents are somewhere inside this house and someone can come barging in this room any minute. Well, fuck.

I take Alex's face between my hands and lift it slowly. One look at those sea-green eyes almost made me do exactly what I thought of doing. Almost. "There's no need to rush, love. It's okay." I rub her cheeks gently with my thumbs.

Alex closes her eyes and takes a very deep breath. When she flips them open again, her eyes have calmed down, but there's still an unmistakable hint of lust in them. A sigh of resignation escapes her lips before she lets her whole body fall on top of me, her full weight pressing on me.

Both her hands are safely tucked away from my body and are resting on the mattress of her bed. "Ugh. Sorry. I didn't mean to lose control." She mumbles as she nuzzles my throat.

"Don't be," I assure her while making soothing motions on her back. I like it.

"Am I heavy?"


Alex somehow makes herself heavier, getting an Oomph from me. She laughs, rolls over to the side, and props an elbow up to support her head. The change in her moods is astonishing. With a genial smile present on her face, it's hard to imagine she was about to strip me off one minute ago.

True to her words, her door burst open less than a minute after and a younger girl who looks like Isa comes in. "Pops said he needs a hand with the car." When she realizes her sister isn't alone, her eyes widen and she backs away. "Sorry," she mumbles so quietly I almost didn't catch it, then shuts the door.

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