I dress myself in one of the two clean t-shirts I have rolled up in my bag, along with my backup pair of jeans. I would re-wear the ones that I had on yesterday but I had already worn them for three days before that and were starting to look rather murky. Sliding my socks and hooded jacket back on, I bundle my dirty clothes into my arms along with my backpack and walk back across to my room.

After spending a couple of minutes towel drying my hair, I let the partially damp strands hang over my shoulders notwithstanding that it will leave wet patches on the front of my jacket. Folding my dirty clothes into a neat pile, I leave them on the desk as a reminder to wash them later, before making my way downstairs towards the kitchen.

Will is the first to spot me when I walk into the room, giving me a small wave with one hand while holding a newspaper open against the table with the other. Like Nathan, he wears casual clothes which piques my curiosity considering that it is a Tuesday which would usually mean he should be at work, him being a lawyer and all.

"Morning, Cupcake." Chris smiles happily, looking up from his phone to greet me.

"Good morning." I reply, once again feeling confused by his silly nickname for me. I had thought that maybe last night was going to be a one-off when he called me that, but hearing it again makes me think that he is going to keep using it.

"You look a lot more comfortable now." Nathan muses as he takes in my fresh outfit and damp hair.

I nod my head in agreement because I do feel better after the shower and change of clothes, but I think it was the long, deep sleep that had really done wonders for me. My senses are definitely sharper than what they were yesterday and I don't feel anywhere near as tired as I usually do. In fact, I can't remember ever feeling this well rested.

"Would you like some cereal? Or some toast, we have that too, or-"

"Cereal is fine." I cut him off before he starts to list every item in his pantry.

"Sure, we have Cornflakes, Rice Bubbles, Sultana Bran, Milo cereal or...Weetbix." Nathan calls them out from the cupboard while I just stand there awkwardly.

"Whatever one you put your hand on." I say, latching my fingers onto my wrist in discomfort. Making decisions has never been my strong point and the pressure to give a quick answer causes the pit in my stomach to expand.

"How about you try the Milo cereal, I have a feeling you will like it." Will suggests, pulling me out of my inner turmoil.

"Sounds good." I say, even though I have never tried it before.

"Go sit down, I will bring it over in a second." Nathan motions for me to sit at the table with Chris and Will and I follow his instructions.

True to his word, Nathan places a bowl of chocolatey looking cereal in front of me which instantly makes my mouth water. Most of the foster homes I had lived at either didn't have the fancy cereals or they wouldn't allow me to have any. I had learned that it was just easier to skip breakfast altogether which also saved me from having to interact with any of my foster carers.

Will was correct when he said that I would like the cereal. After the first spoonful it was hard to stop and I had managed to finish the entire bowl within minutes, all the while ignoring the amused smiles of the other men sitting at the table.

"Why do you all smile so much?" I ask more out of curiosity than anything. It seems that they are always smiling, whether it be at me, at each other or at themselves.

"Because we're happy?" Nathan frowns in confusion, tilting his head to the side while thinking about my question.

"Nobody can be that happy all the time." I mirror Nathan's frown while dropping my gaze to the empty bowl in front of me.

All Four Of MeWhere stories live. Discover now