It's a Bet

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Beca sat at her desk staring out of the window. She was thinking about the big client she was working with. Sure she had just been signed as a producer but she wondered when she would be able to make her own music. This client could be the perfect stepping stone to do so. She just had to stay focused and make sure everything fell into place perfectly.
Beca sighed at the knock on the door. She had given Demi, her assistant, very clear instructions not to let anyone interrupt her for the next two hours. Beca needed quiet and isolation to focus.
Before she could tell whoever was on the other side to come in, the door swung open to reveal Chloe being followed by a very anxious looking Demi. Beca rolled her eyes at her best friend and bit back a smile. Though Chloe was interrupting her, she was always happy to see her.
"Ma'am, I tried to tell Miss Beale you were busy." Demi said. Her eyes welled with worry. Beca eased some of the stress with a wave of her hand.
"No,Demi. It's fine. I know how stubborn this one is. Thank you." she said smiling.
Chloe smirked at Beca and gave her a quick wink. Demi looked away as her cheeks began to blush. She dismissed herself and left the pair alone, closing the door behind her.
"Don't flirt with my assistant,Chlo." Beca said while chuckling.
Chloe sat on the other side of Beca's desk and crossed her legs. She admired Beca's large mixing desk.
"Why? Are you trying to make a move?" Chloe asked with a small devilish smirk playing on her lips.
Beca side eyed her friend. She knew Chloe didn't want Demi but she would put a bid in if she thought Beca was interested. It was never malicious, but that's what they did. They made a competition out of everything and they had since they were kids. They couldn't help themselves. To them, everything was a game.
"What do you want? As you can see, I am very busy." Beca motioned to the mountains of papers and empty coffee cups around the mixing equipment.
Chloe frowned at the lack of organizational skills her friend possessed. It would drive her mad to have papers flying every which way.
"It's lunch time." Chloe said in her low raspy voice. She knew how Beca got when she started to work with a big client. She would neglect herself for the sake of working. Things went undone, she would forget to eat. If Chloe didn't pop in on her, who knows the next time they would see each other. Beca would sleep in her office if it was permitted.
"I have to work." Beca predictably said.
"It'll be here when you get back." Chloe said while she exchanged stares with Beca. Neither of them would look away. This was another game they played. The first to look away or blink, lost.
Beca did not think this was fair. Her eyes were tired from reading and staring at a screen all day. Of course she blinked first. "Damn it." She mumbled.
Chloe's eyebrows rose in delight. "I'll pick."
"Whatever you pick better have meat. I am not in the mood for the rabbit food you call a meal." Beca said grumpily, gathering her things.
Chloe chuckled. She had been vegan forever now. She couldn't remember the last time she ate meat. Though, none of her persuasion had convinced Beca to switch over yet. There was that one bet that Beca lost where she couldn't eat meat for a month. She was so dramatic. If Chloe didn't know any better she would have thought she was going to die.
The ladies walked into the sports bar and took a seat in their booth. This was not Chloe's first choice nor any choice of hers at all actually. However, she conceded defeat. Beca wanted bar food, so that's where they were. On the bright side, this place did serve a pretty decent vegan pizza.
"So the big competition is Sunday. Have you been considering what you want the bet to to be?" Beca asked.
Every year the two made a pretty large wager before the ICCA's. They agreed and shook on it. No matter the outcome the two always saw the bet through. They were not always the easiest but neither of them ever backed down. One time, Chloe had to clean Beca's house for six months. It was terrible. The worst bet for Beca was when Chloe made her compliment her every time she cleared her throat. That lasted for months until Chloe got her fill.
"Actually, I have." She smirked and checked her face in the small compact mirror she carried in her purse. Her face was perfect as usual but it never hurt to check.
"Let's hear it." Beca said. Just the thought of winning a bet made her giddy. When she thought about it, maybe the two of them had a problem. They loved competing and gambling with each other far too much. It was hardly ever for monetary gain though. They both just really loved power plays and who better to hold power over than your equally powerful best friend?
Chloe chuckled. This bet was almost too outrageous to say out loud. She had thought about it long and hard and even with a bit of excitement but could she actually bring herself to say it to Beca? Part of her didn't think Bec would even go through with it. It would be the first time in their betting history that one person backed down. That itself would be a small victory for Chloe.
"I'm waiting." Beca said impatiently. Now she just wanted to know. It was taking Chloe too long to spit out. It had to be good.
"It's not like any bet we've made before." Chloe said in that lusty whispery voice of hers. Her voice sent shivers up and down the spines of Beca. It was soft but demanding.
"Even better. Tell me. Now." Beca demanded.
"If my team wins, you have to be my sub, servant, and/or little for an entire year." Chloe said. She neatly folded her hands in front of her and let them rest on the table, awaiting Beca's response.
Beca squinted her eyes before bursting into laughter. She received a deep heartfelt chuckle from that. In fact she was laughing so hard she couldn't sit up straight for a few minutes. She wiped the tears from her eyes and sighed. She needed that laugh more than she knew. Work had her so stressed out. "Stop, Chlo. Really. What's the bet?"
Chloe smiled and shrugged. "That was the bet, Becs."
Beca's jaw hung open upon realizing the seriousness of Chloe's tone. "You're for real?"
Chloe nodded. She kind of expected this reaction. She would probably share a similar response if the tables were turned. Neither of them had ever been in those positions, at least not that Chloe knew about. However, it was unlikely. The pair told each other everything. They were as thick as thieves.

"I'm aca-serious." Chloe said.
Beca fiddled with the napkin wrapped silverware on the table and nibbled at her lip. What the hell kind of bet was this? She could always say no. She wasn't being forced. No one, especially Chloe, was holding a gun to her head. She couldn't be the first to ever back out though. That would still be a win for Chloe. Besides, it was so unlikely that Beca's team would lose, she should take the bet.
Beca shrugged. "Okay. Fine."
Her response surprised Chloe and intrigued her all at once. She thought for sure Beca would shut it down. Chloe has played with the idea and even entertained it to some length. There was no point in lying, she had even got off to the idea of her dominant power hungry associate being bound at her mercy. But now? Now, it was a very real possibility.
"Fine? That's a yes?" Chloe asked.
"Yes, you psychopath." Beca said stirring her drink. The waitress came and Beca was grateful for the interruption. She needed a second to collect her thoughts and concoct a bet just as outrageous as Chloe's, but what? What would hit her where it hurt? A smile crept onto her face when it hit her. Chloe loved having sex. Beca would put an end to that for a year.
The waitress left with their order and Chloe looked up at Beca who was smiling as though she was pleased with herself. The sight made Chloe chuckle. "I'm guessing you have your half of the bet decided?" She asked.
"I do." Beca nodded. "If my team wins then for the next year you can't have sex. No sex life for you."
Now it was Chloe's turn to laugh. "What?! Not having sex is a bit excessive, don't you think?" She flipped her hair over her shoulder. An entire year without sex? Surely, she'd die from the sex drought.
Beca's eyes bulged in disbelief. "That's excessive? You want me to be your little!" She realized how loud she was talking and reined it a little. "If I can agree to that, then you can agree to this small bit. Think of it as an exercise in self control." Beca giggled.
Chloe shook her head and reluctantly stuck her hand out for the shake. That was it. Once they shook on it there was no going back. They knew this. Beca hesitated but put her hand out before she could change her mind.
"It's a bet." The two said in unison.

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