definition of sexual assault.

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what is the definition of sexual assault?

according to criminal law, it is any crime in which the offender subjects the victim to sexual touching that is unwanted and offensive.

for say, unwanted touching of the chest...

and while that definition is correct, personally I believe there is more to that definition than what meets the public eye...

October 6th, 2019

15. she was merely 15 years old when she was named a victim.

15. he was merely 15 years old when he was named an assaulter.

she was trapped, held there by the person who was supposed to love her. pinned onto the bed with hands that felt like chains.

the cold feeling of saliva against her sent shivers through her body. it was her mind signaling the fact she was in danger. but she could not listen to it.

her mind was working overdrive, yelling at her to tell him to stop, telling her he was not the person she expected. he was a knife, slowly cutting the rope that was supposed to hold her.

he was ecstatic. the taste of her suffering lingering on his tongue. she was the unbelievable taste he had craved. a silent victim. one who complies without resistance.

but he saw her. he saw her morals being ruined, her spirit breaking, but he did not care. her image in his mind was a toy. she was his toy for his pleasure.

after this first event, she saw herself as a window. cracked, but not broken...she was still usable...and used she was.

January 2nd, 2020

sleeping. he watched her as she peacefully rested. her breaths slow, her mind at ease...he did not like how peaceful she was.

his fingers were knives. they poked at her skin, while not leaving visible scars, the emotional and mental scars she would carry shined.

and while no blood was shed, her tears shone red, as if her mind was bleeding, begging him silently to stop.

he didn't.

he was "blind" to see her. the radiating feeling of betrayal from her was nothing to him. he was "blind" to her emotions, even when she awakened.

because it "wasn't him."

how? mentally it was not him. it was another entity living in the same headspace with him. another identity with no connection to him.

naïve she was to believe him.

he knew. he knew the dark truth hidden under the bright colours of the lie. he knew her love for him would tell her to believe his falsehood. there was no "other identity." or, at least, no diagnosis. no physical evidence of the "lie within the truth."

though, what she knew to be true was the pain. the scarring in her mind that has her trapped. the repeating cycle of the two incidents that occurred.

her mind became her enemy, her heart became her drug. she was stuck between decisions. back and forth with no help, no way of escaping...

she was alone.

he knew. he knew what suffering she was in. the darkest days have begun for her... and, yet again, he did not care.

her days only worsened. she was chained to her bed what seemed like every day, the appearance of food rendered her sick. her mind was damaged, she was broken.

he watched her as she broke down. every day she was getting worse. to the point of no return. she became empathetic, irritable, depressed, scared, anxious, alone. she was alone. he never care. he only pretended to care to continue to get what he wanted from her.

sexual intimacy.

she was tired. tired of living with the pain riding her shoulders, controlling her everyday life. it was a chore to begin her day as a normal citizen... but that she did.

she carved a fake smile into her face, cut fake happiness in her voice. buried the overwhelming darkness deep inside of her, her fake smiles a call for help to everyone she passed by.

she was losing a battle against herself. her mind tearing her closer and closer to her old, metallic friend.

and again, he did not care. he half assed his emotions and threatened to put himself in the dark place if she did not comply with him. she was his puppet, and he was the master.

for everything he put her through, she was happy when he was gone... when he left her because she finally spoke out about it to someone.

he put her through hell, and she almost lost her life.

all because she was a victim of sexual assault.

so I ask again, what is the definition of sexual assault?

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