Chapter 10

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I am sad writing this haha but enjoy and uh you may need this *Hands tissue box* Enjoy have a fantastic day or night as I write more!! also imma just publish and not reread so enjoy it with any and all errors.

"I'm tired" Raine mumbled sleepily, it had to be at least 6pm? They been walking since dawn

"Lets take a quick rest" Ryder says as they stop moving sitting down, it was silent as they relaxed, the sound of birds and other animals around them, it was peaceful regardless of the danger they were facing it was like the world was at peace, nothing was wrong anymore. The moment was short lived when a gunshot rang out along with a loud scream

"Fuck!" Skylar screamed, as Montana and her sister emerged from the tree line, Montana was holding a gun and her sister lily had a baseball bat, the girls turn and ran not bothering to look back as the gun shots continued to rang out, they ran and ran where? Who knows they needed to get as far from her as possible

"How did she find us?!" Skylar yelled as she jumped over a large root and pushing smaller branches out of her way

"Shes fucking crazy!" Carson yelled as she ducked under a large branch

"Get back here!!" The girls ignored the scream of the psycho and kept running, breathing heavily until one falls, unknown to all but one who stops

"Shit owyn" Ryder runs back and helps her up but stops, seeing the bullet holes in her stomach.. one higher near her chest and one straight through the middle

"No" Ryder whispered before picking the younger girl up bridal style and ran, clutching her injured friend close to her as she ran, the added weight was only making running harder but she was determined to get her friend to safety

"R-ryder" The younger girl mumbled, her voice full of pain as the girl jumped to the best of her ability over the large tree that layed on the forest ground

"Your gonna be okay owyn" Ryder tried to reassure the girl as the gun shots died to nothing, soon it was silent. The only noise was running and heavy breathing as they came to a clearing where the other girls where catching there breaths

"Ryder! Owyn!" Carson yelled running over but stopped seeing Owyns blood covered shirt and Ryders as well

"What happened?!" Skylar questioned as Ryder set owyn down pressing her hands over one of the gunshot wounds

"Owyn stay with me okay?! Keep your eyes open" Ryder kept the tears at bay as Raine ran over, her tears already falling

"Twinnie?!" Her voice trembled as she grabbed her hand as Skylar tried to figure out how to help, without an actual doctor there was no chance and they all knew it

"Hey its okay keep your eyes open.. Owyn please don't leave me" Raine begged her voice heavy with tears

"G-guys... It doesn't even hurt anymore" Owyn whispered as she looked at her friends concerned faces

"Y-you have t-to stop her" She added the girls nodded

"Hey.. Owyn look" Ryder angled her so she could see the sunset, the orange and pink sky the clouds made interesting shapes as they stared at it in awe

"Its so pretty" Owyns voice was growing quieter as her breathing slowed, the girls exchanged a look before nodding

"Deep in the meadow" Ryder started, the where ironically in a flower field in the middle of the woods on the edge of a cliff, it had a beautiful waterfall ironically

"Under the willow" Carson sang next as the tears slowly rolled down her cheeks

"A bed of grass" Skylar sang her voice cracking slightly

"A soft green pillow" Raine sang holding her twins hand tightly

"Lay down your head, and close your eyes" Ryder and Raine sang together

"And when they open.. the sun will rise" Carson and Skylar sing together as Owyns eyes slowly flutter shut, a small smile on her face as her breathing begins to slow

"Here its safe, and here its warm" Ryder sings softly as she gently lays the girl onto the ground from her lap

"Here the daisies guard you, from every harm" Raine sings picking up one of the daisies and placing on her friends chest

"Here your dreams are sweet" Carson sang her voice slowly fading

"and tomorrow brings them true" Skylar turned from her friend wiping the tears as she sang

"Here is the place... where I love you" They all sang finally as owyn took her final breath... it went silent

"Shes gone" Ryder whispered

"NO!!!" Raine screamed loudly as she held her twins hand, the other girls stared in pain before pulling the youngest girl in for a hug

"She.." Raine whispered burying her face into her friends as she hugged them tighter

"She can't be gone" 

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