Chapter 9

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A short but quick chapter to take a break of chaos and give the girls a rest before I decide to hurt them more yeah? I am also vibing to the lightning as I wrote this so enjoy.

----5 girls 1 Kidnapper----

"Rose!!" Skylar yelled again as they stared down the deep abyss, no one spoke the only noise was the sobs and sniffles

"S-she can't be gone" Ryder whispers staring down the cliff side

"Rose..." Skyler whispers tears falling at a fast pace as Carson pulls her into a side hug the best she can, once again it goes silent

"That bitch!!" Ryder screams backing away from the cliff as the others look at her

"We need to kill her... for Rose" Carson says just as angry, she was beyond sad, but her anger was taking over she was going to kill this girl if it was the last thing she did.

"We need to leave" Owyn speaks up as she stands up and backs away from the edge to her twin who was standing in shock, tears falling down her face

"Come on sky" Carson says as they stand up and start walking away from the edge, away from there falling friend, They walked for hours, the sun that was high in the sky is now slowly setting, the sky turning a orangish color as the girls walked hoping to find some people, they were in need of medical attention, Skylar luckily stopped bleeding but she was covered in claw and bite marks, Ryder was limping and was in pain and still shivering, it couldn't be hypothermia or she would have been dead by now. Carson's arm was still clutched tightly to her chest, each step was hell on her sides, and she was breathing through the pain. The two youngest watched their friends who were in pain with sorrow, they wanted to help them, but the girls were dead set on protecting them they couldn't see that it was literally killing them by doing so

"We should stop, it's getting dark" Carson spoke after a long silence

"Finally" Ryder sighed sitting down rubbing her injured leg as everyone sat down

"We can attempt to make a fire" Raine suggested from her spot on the ground, the others just nodded as they got to work gathering wood for the fire

"Give me 2 sticks and some grass for kindle" Ryder tells them and when they do she gets to work, years of survival training prepared her for one thing and that was now, after a few attempts she gets a fire started and quickly puts it on the bigger pile of wood, soon enough the flames grow feeding off the wood

"Finally" Raine sighed feeling the warmth from the fire as they all gathered around, Carson chuckles slightly as she stares into the fire

"Let's gather round the campfire and sing our campfire song" Carson starts singing and everyone chuckles slightly

"Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G song" they all sing before it goes silent and then one by one they slowly start to break, the loss of there friend finally settling in they all gather in for a group hug and cry, as much as some of them hated it, they couldn't fight off the tears anymore, one by one they fell asleep, snuggled together exhaustion setting in, the fire slowly began to die as the night went on, till the sun started to rise the pastel blue and pink colors began to color the sky with glimpse of orange, the sun slowly rose as the fire was nothing more then a pile of ash and coal. Skylar was the first to wake up, her head was pounding as she stared up at the sky, just admiring the pastel blue coloring, she took a deep breath but stopped when she heard slight whimpering to her left she looked over and saw the scared and pained expression on Ryders face, along with Carson who was half on top of Ryder and herself. She slowly moves shaking awake Carson who being a light sleeper was the first to wake confused and dazed she jolted up in turn waking Ryder who flew up confused

"Woah hey easy, you're okay" Skylar whispered to the scared girls who only seemed to snuggle back down, she turned to her right checking on the two younger girls who where sitting up watching the sunrise, they were silent but seemed aware of what was happening

"I think we should start moving, maybe find some fruit trees?" Skylar yawned as she spoke standing up and dusting herself off, she quickly checked over her scratches and bite marks and by the looks they weren't as bad but she couldn't be too sure, once all the girls where up they began moving once again as they searched for food, along the way they snacked on flowers Ryder deemed edible, they continued walking till Owyn stopped them

"Mango trees!!" She yelled as she ran over to the small grove of mango trees, the other girls being hungry ran over and started grabbing some, the girls who didn't like mangoes even ate some, the pain in there stomach from lack of food won in this situation

"Eat slow.. you don't want to make yourself sick" Skylar warned earning nods as the girls continued to stuff their face with food, after they finish the continue their walk in hopes to find civilization to get some help.

Yeah here is a chapter to break from chaos that is about to happen, who's ready?

I am tired, have a headache but we vibe anyway!

Have a wonderful day or night K? Okay.

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