Chapter 5

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Slight trigger warning? Maybe? I think? 

Also, I realize I skipped 2 days but eh, Skip to the juicy shit and get that action is how I see it. Besides, I didn't know what to write and I am going off random thoughts my mind is putting together.

"Get away from her!!" Carson screams loudly its been 2 days of pure hell, the girls refused to give in and so Montana has been forced to take extreme measures, right now she was currently leaving cuts along Ryders arms who was taking a beating for Owyns outburst an hour prior, the screams stopped sometime ago and it was silent as Montana made her way from the girl and straight to a very angry Carson

"And what are you going to do hm?" Montana asked mockingly

"Untie me and I will show you just what I can do!" Carson growls out, she stole a quick glance at Skylar who was passed out after being hit and hard from Montana yesterday, she hasn't woken up and it was just adding more fuel to Carson's anger, she was pissed and wanted this girl to die.

"Sorry darling, I can't do that" Montana chuckles putting her hand on Carson's cheek who moves her head

"Don't fucking touch me" She growled out as Montana slapped her hard

"Enough leave them alone!" Rose yelled; she was to busy in her own world trying to pretend she was anywhere but here that she didn't process what was happening till now

"Or what?" Montana demanded but before she could move Carson kicked her and hard which brought the kidnappers attention to the eldest girl, the three oldest made it there mission if the younger one got In trouble quickly bring the attention to them, they couldn't bare watching there younger friends get hurt and would rather it be them

"You stop kicking me" She kicked Carson in the stomach angerly giving the girl a icy glare

"That all you got" Carson snapped giving the girl a glare back only to be met with a fist to the face, if she did not already have a black eye, she would be getting one soon

"You need to learn respect" Montana hissed out

"And you need to learn to brush your teeth" Carson commented not backing down with a blink of an eye Montana let out a deep growl and hit her as hard as she could knocking her out

"No!!" Owyn and Rose screamed, 2 of the oldest where unconscious and the other one was in pain and barely awake

"Montana, you're a coward" Ryder huffed out and Montana groaned she was tired of the back talking she wanted them to all shut up and just do what she wanted! What did she want? She didn't even know right now this revenge she was getting was really suiting her, of course she didn't want to hurt the brits as they didn't do anything to her, or the youngest but they didn't help so she didn't care

"I suggest you shut it or you can join your friends" She told her

"Stop acting like your so strong Montana! Your weak and a coward!" Owyn snapped angerly causing Montana to march over getting in the younger girl's face, of course she did not like owyn. She threatened her multiple times for "Hurting" her precious "Family" and it made her sick! They were all a family she got kicked out! She hated them with every fiber of her being! She grabbed Owyn by the neck choking her which sent Raine who was relatively quiet into a panic, her twin was being choked in front of her!

"No please!! Montana stop let her go!!" Raine begged she didn't want to watch this she wanted to go home and wake up from this nightmare

"C-c-ant" Owyn was struggling to breathe

"Let her fucking go" Carson growled out; she was dazed from the blow to her head but was able to make out what was happening

"Montana if you kill her, I swear to go- "Ryder starts but it cut off by Montana's screaming

"I would shut up! You guys are NOT in charge or control I am!!! And I am tired of you all pretending your better than me!" She drops owyn who starts gasping and coughing violently as air re-enters her lungs

"Twinnie are you okay?!" Raine questions trying to scootch over to the younger girl wanting her to be okay as Montana leaves the room

"I w-will be fine" Owyn struggles out taking deep breaths, just as her breathing is under control a low groan brings all their attention to Skylar who slowly opens her eyes

"Skylar!!" They all shout as she lifts her head

"Why does it feel like I've been hit by a truck" She mumbled closing her eyes, the thumping pain in her head making it impossible to focus on what is happening around her

"Sky... how's your head?" Rose questioned after a bit

"It hurts" She mumbled lifting her head giving the younger girl a hopefully smile

"I have a plan" Ryder says turning all eyes to her

"I can trick her... I can make her think I like her back... If I do that then I can get her to let me out and get the rest of you out" She explains

"Absolutely not!" Carson quickly shuts the idea down

"But- "Ryder goes to counter, but Skylar stops her

"No... Because if she figures it out, she is going to hurt you, and besides you rejected her once she will think this is some joke" Skylar tells her, sky was the more logical one and could see all the ways this plan could go wrong

"You don't understand! Someone has to do something! Before she kills one of us! I don't want to pretend to be her lover but I will do it if it means getting you guys out" Ryder ranted she wanted them to realize why yes this plan sucks and can fail its better then sitting here getting hurt and possibly risking someone's life.

"Trust me" Ryder finishes, and the others share a glance

"Ryder- "Carson starts but is cut off

"Guys... Please trust me" Ryder begs, and the others sigh but nod

"Fine Ry, But she so much as makes one wrong move she's getting buried 30 feet under" Skylar tells her and she nods, she knows the chances of this plan failing are high but if it works they just may be able to escape.

Sooooo 3 chapters? This is new haha, anyway this chapter has a bit more violence and what not, also prediction time.

Will Ryders plan




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