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hAhAhA this is out on time with 14 minutes to spare! :D


“Wait- he what?” X said, turning to Grian with wide eyes.

“He saved my life.” Grian repeated, “I would be dead as a doorknob if it wasn’t for him.”

EX nodded in agreement to what Grian was saying, “I haven’t done anything bad to him, I swear on my life-”

“Even so. You were keeping him here, weren’t you.” Iskall said, looking at EX with a harsh glare.

“I-I well- yes- but not against his will! We agreed it would be best to wait here for you to find us- rather than possibly get hurt out there…” EX trailed off, realising he was rambling and looking at the floor.

Once again the hermits looked to Grian, who shrugged and picked up his tea again.

“Everything he’s saying is true.”
X sighed, “We should have brought False…”

“I’m not lying to you!” EX protested, crossing his arms, looking at X with a glare.

“How can I believe that? After everything you’ve done, I’d be surprised if you can even think straight!”

“Wha-” Grian was about to ask before Doc gave him a silencing look.

“You of all people should know that wasn’t my fault!” EX said,

“If it was anyone’s fault it was yours!”
“What, so now you’re blaming me, for killing them?” X said.

“No! But you could have stopped it! You could have solved the problem before it escalated, but all you did was lock me away and pretend I didn't exist.” EX yelled, a mix of sadness and anger in his voice.

“That was the best thing I could do! Keep you away from everyone so you couldn’t hurt them-”

“Well obviously it didn’t work, did it.” EX said, “You don’t deal with problems by shoving them in a closet and pretending they’re not there, X.”

“Guys- please- stop arguing!” Stress piped up, looking between the two, “We should be getting back. If we want to get back to the main island before night…”

“Stress is right,” Joe said, looking out of the window at the sky where the sun was just over the peak of the sky.

Grian looked around at the group, “You guys go ahead… I’ll follow.”

“Alright, I’m trusting you, Grian.” X said, “Come on.”

The group left the house, leaving EX and Grian alone again. They looked at each other for a second before he threw himself at EX, pulling him into a tight hug, surprising him.

EX hugged him back, slightly awkwardly, “What-”

“Meet me on the beach, tomorrow, noon, ok?” Grian said, interrupting him.

“What- why?”

“We’re friends, aren’t we? I don’t want to just go back and forget you,” Grian said, pulling away from the hug and smiling at him, “You seem lonely out here…”

EX smiled back, a genuinely happy smile, he gave Grian a nod, “I’ll be there, now go, before they get worried.”

Grian nodded, giving EX a wave, which he returned, as he backed out of the door, leaping off of the wooden steps and beating his wings forcefully to raise himself higher.

Continuing in the direction that the other hermits had gone, he quickly caught up, his wings being larger and more powerful than their elytras. He joined the tail end of the group, next to Iskall, looking down and watching the land race past beneath him, he had gone further than he thought.

The land quickly turned to ocean, and before too long, they were back at Grian’s base, the sun was setting, so Grian said they could stay there for the night, grabbing his spare wool and making beds for them.

Grian fell asleep with a smile, he knew he wouldn’t see his new friend all the time, but sometimes was good enough. He knew EX would never be allowed to come to the main island, but at least he could still see him.


whooo! out on time!

sorry for not posting last week I forgot again heukabduwosl

hope you enjoyed!


oh also, I have started writing another book so yay that's probably contributing to why i didn't post last week but I'm not excusing myself because hhhhh

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