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“Are you alright?” Someone different asked Grian as he stared at the grass on his hands and knees, having not moved since coming out of the portal, “You look a bit stunned."

"I don't- i don't feel so good…" Grian mumbled through his teeth. The portal had made him feel dizzy and sick, he lifted his head only to see the world spinning and returned to looking at the grass.

"Alright, come on, up you get, you'll be fine." Someone put their arm around Grian's waist and helped him up, Grian couldn't tell exactly who it was as he leant heavily on them, hoping that the world would stop spinning soon.

"Here." Joe said, coming up in front of them, holding a water bottle and a piece of bread, "Eat and drink these, it'll make you feel better."
Grian took the food and drink carefully. He was still being supported by the person next to him, he felt slightly awkward, but he ate some of the bread and drank the water anyway.

Joe had been right. After a few more minutes he could see properly and didn't feel like he would throw up if he moved.

He looked to his right to see that it was Xisuma who had been supporting him. X stepped away, seeing that Grian was ok now, and stood up on a little hill to address the rest of the group.

"Hello and welcome, everyone, to Season 6 of Hermitcraft!" X said from his hill, the group erupted into cheers, a few high-fiving or hugging, before they were silenced with a wave of X's hand, "This season we have a new hermit, obviously, we've already introduced ourselves, but just to make it official, welcome, Grian, to hermitcraft!"

The cheers were louder this time, people came up to Grian, some shook his hand, others hugged him, Joe gave him a long welcome speech, others just said a quick "hi" but everyone was happy, even Grian himself had a huge smile on his face.

"Alright, now go do your stuff." X said, and the hermits scattered.

• • •

Grian watched in amazement as the hermits seemed to know exactly what to do. Most went for the trees, crafting a boat and setting off east.

He felt a little lost. All the hermits knew exactly what they were doing, they'd all done this before, soon enough the Island had almost completely cleared out, and he was left there, unsure of what to do, until someone tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned around to find X beckoning him over to a small rock. Quickly making his way to stand by the taller man Grian could see the he had laid out a map.

The map showed a large island, split up into areas which were labeled on it in Sharpie, there was also a pointer on the map marking where they were right now, Grian saw that they would have to go east to get there.

"You can build in any of these districts." X explained, "but you have to build in its style,"
Grian nodded in understanding, studying the map. He wanted to build in all of these districts, he had so many great ideas already, but he decided to start In the futuristic district, a challenge.

Grian turned to X with a smile, "Well I guess I'd better be off then!"
"I'll see you around." X said with a happy smile.

Grian would settle into this group perfectly. X thought as he watched him row off into the ocean.


This is short (agajn) but we should be getting into longer chapters soon enough! :D

Hope you enjoyed!


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