Chapter Fifteen

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Alyssa Grace Lockhart's POV: 

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Alyssa Grace Lockhart's POV: 

After the whole restaurant situation my brother and I decided to go to an interior design gallery to see if we could find somethings that we needed for The F's 4 project. I had to leave for Puerto Rico soon, so I have to make sure that I have everything that is needed for the project to start. I can't wait to go to Puerto Rico and have some  space from my father and The F's 4. 

"Well well... I haven't seen you in years Alyssa. I haven't seen you since you killed my son." I heard a voice say from behind me. This could not be happening right now. Of all the places we could have crossed path it's when I am at  interior design gallery. I turn around and look at the woman that is in front of me. 

"Karen it has been years? I guess it hasn't been enough for me." I said to her and gave her a big fake smile. 

"Rude as ever I see. How come they let killers go to galleries? Actually how are you not in a cell right now for what you have done?!" She said to me. Is she for real?! After everything she thinks she has the right to talk to me like that!

"Oh Karen when are you going to stop saying such horrible things to me. I am not a killer, can you just get over it. Like you have said it's been years since that happen and you still blame me for something that your son did. Hunter knew what he was doing and so did you, instead of stopping him you just told him to make sure nobody would find out. You really are an amazing mother!" I said to her in a sarcastic tone. Her face started turning red and she started shaking probably from the anger she felt about what I has said to her. 

"How dare you talk to me this way!!" She said, you could hear the anger in her tone. 

"How dare I? How dare you and your family do this to me! You are lucky I decided to stay quiet about what happened. Don't ever talk to me like that again, trust me, if you ever talk to me again I'll have to start talking and that won't be good for you." I said to her. Prescott was holding my arm so that I would not get close to Karen. 

"You are too scared to say anything, you are bluffing." She said to me but you could hear in her voice that she wasn't sure if what she was saying was true. 

"Wouldn't want to find out if I'm bluffing or saying the truth. But you are very close to finding out if is true if you keep talking." I said to her. 

"We will be leaving now, we have found what we were looking for. Ms. Karen hopefully we won't see you again. Also, I hope for your sake that you listen to my sister because she is not bluffing." Said Prescott and then we left the gallery. 

After we left the gallery Prescott asked me if I was okay and I told him that I was fine. I just need to get out of here for a while. I haven't been here for two months and I already need a break. Hopefully this trip to Puerto Rico will do me some good. We got home and I decided that I wanted to go back to the place were everything happened. I felt like I needed to reassure myself that the decision that I had made was the correct one. I've been doubting my decision since the  day I arrived here. I got into the car and headed to the cliff. 

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