Chapter Fourteen

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Alyssa Grace Lockhart's POV:

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Alyssa Grace Lockhart's POV:

That night we had a sleepover back at Prescott's apartment and it was so much fun. We all put our pjs on and decided to watch a movie. After the movie was over we just talked for hours, trying to catch up with all the time that had passed. Just because we can't get the time back doesn't not mean we cannot try and make new memories. The next day I went back to the office and just worked all the details for the Garcia project and started a new project for my best friend Paola. I met Paola back in London, she was studying aboard and working at the same time. She is not from London, she is from Puerto Rico but her father had sent her to study business. They own SSS Modeling.

"You haven't left this office since you got here Alyssa." I heard Prescott say to me, I did not even notice that he had come into my office.

"When did you get here Prescott?" I asked him with a surprise look on my face.

"Just now, so did you get to finish everything for The F's 4?" He asked me.

"Yes, I made sure that everything they wanted was ready. I also started on the project presentation for SSS Modeling." I said to my older brother.

"You already started with that project?" He asked me with a surprise tone. I smiled at him and nodded my head.

"I can't believe how fast you have done everything. That means we can go have lunch together as well." Said Prescott to me.

"Yes we can go have lunch and then I need to start packing my bags." I told him while standing up from my seat.

"What do you mean by pack your bags? Where are you going?" Asked Prescott, he looked at me with panic all over his face.

"Well I need to go to Puerto Rico to meet Paola, I will be presenting the project to her and if everything is perfect then I will start the project." I explained to Prescott and we made our way to the elevator.

"I thought you were going to leave again for London." He said to me.

"I am not going back to London, well at least not for a bit." I said to him.

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