Chapter 16 out run the alpha part two(Alex)

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"Get dressed and Don't leave this room." He kept his words short but I could still feel the coldness in his voice. He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him, I heard a click not a moment later and knew that I was locked in. I let myself shift and cry out my frustration. I'll never be able to leave now. I'll be trapped for the rest of my days, miserable with a mate that wants to control me. I'll be locked away probably in this same room for who knows how long. I let it all out until I feel sleep take me.

I woke up warm and sated after my crying fit. I uncurl from my fetal position to find a blanket had been placed over my naked form. I almost roll my eyes when Reese's scent assaults my nose from the Cotton in my hands. He know doubt gave me the blanket from his room to cover my nakedness, but also to put his sent on me. I would be lying if I said I didn't take a second whiff of the comforter, before unwrapping myself and unfolding the large sweats and a hoodie that must also be Reese's from the sent. take a quick shower and dress in the clothes given to me. I walk into the room and find a book by a chair in the corner of the room. It wasn't there before so Reese must have left it there. With no other option to pass the time I open the book and start reading.

One hour had passed and still no Reese.  Not even alpha Zack or even Luna Melissa has come to check on me. I want to leave this room but there was no way out. I could senes that the door was being guarded from the outside of the room. By who I have no clue, But the two sets of feet always shuffled occasionally as time ticked away. The windows on the opposite side of the room where locked and had alarms installed to protect against intruders. there was no way I was getting out of this house without being noticed. I lay back on the bed and put my hands to my face what's going to happen to me now. Will, he put me to death? Worse, will he keep me alive.

An hour of thinking the same thought over and over in my head. I started to get angry. How come I have to go through hell just because Reese so happens to be my other half? Why goddess,I didn't ask for him. I didn't ask for any of this. If only I had run a little faster I wouldn't have to deal with any of this. A click at the door sent me shooting from the bed I put my back to the wall readying my self for whoever was behind that door.

Two gourd's opened the large oak door's allowing Luna Melissa comes into the room quietly. And my heart sinks at the sight of her. Anyone and I mean anyone else and I would have been fine, but at the sight of her I almost break down again. I betrayed her with my actions. I betrayed the pack. I expected her to be angry or to cry and make me feel ashamed of myself, but she did none of that. Luna Melissa walked towards me carefully almost as if I would break if she took a step to fast. Ones she reached me she put her hand on either side of my face bringing my forehead to hers. She had to lean down some as she was quite a bit taller than me but she never protested the act. We stayed in the same embrace for as long as felt comfortable. Luna took my hand and started to walk me towards the seating area in the corner of the room. The book I was reading was still on the chair where I left it and she gingerly takes it and placed it on the table sitting in the now empty seat. I take the seat beside her, and she takes my other hand, silently looking me in the eye.As if trying to form her words carefully before she spoke
" Why did you run away Alex?" Luna Melissa asked, she never was one to beat around the bush or sugarcoat her words.

I take a moment to really think about my answer trying to find the most honest reply. In my head, there were so many reasons as to why I ran, but there was one emotion that connected all my reasons together, so I tell her truthfully. "I was afraid," I say, holding some truth for myself. Her gaze was gentle but calculating as she ponders my words. "scared of what Alex? Of someone in the pack?" she asked. She wanted to make sure I wasn't being hurt in any way. She was protective like that. "I was afraid of Reese not letting me leave the pack ones he was alpha, luna, I saw no other way at the time." I say speaking truthfully.

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