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I woke up to the smell of dust and old parchment. My eyes felt overly heavy, my skin was a bit sticky too. What even happened in the last few hours?

Once my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, shelves of books came into focus. It was so quiet in here you could hear a pin drop. Which is why I could hear the dripping sound of water hitting the tattered linoleum flooring.

Where was everyone? I looked around and found the librarian hunched over, her glasses on the verge of falling off her nose. She wasn't moving, matter of fact... I don't think she's even breathing.

Chills ran down my spine. There's no way that Steve killed her. She wasn't his type. I swallowed hard, getting up from the table that was covered in blood.


Bile pooled in my mouth before I hurled it all over the floor with a splat. The dripping I had heard before wasn't water...


Oh hi...

Why the librarian?

She saw too much... nosy little spinster.

What do you mean? 'Saw too much?'

I was having fun and she disturbed the quiet. Isn't that a rule in the library? Be silent? Georgie here and myself we were being quiet... Enough.

I cringed at what that could mean. Looking around again, I found Georgie... his hands were missing and his eyes. How the hell could Steve do that?

It's easy...

I don't think it is.

Steve didn't answer. I needed to get out of here.

No... he didn't...

Over on one of the shelves, books were being held together by Georgie's dismembered hands. Walking over to the shelf I looked to see if there were any clues. Would he put these hands on these sets of books for a reason? Or was he just being Steve?

I'm always Steve.

I frowned at his response. I don't really want to touch anything.

That's smart.

Shut up Steve...

My head snapped to the clock on the wall. It was 6:30 am. You mean to tell me I slept here all night?

Fuck my life...

Steve chuckled. Going back to the shelf I carefully moved the books from the middle, putting them into a bag from behind the librarians desk. Where Georgie's eyes were staring up at the librarian's face from her book.


No I think that's a pair of eyes, sweetheart.

My stomach turned over, quickly I launched myself over to the waste basket hurling into it. How the hell I have anything left after the first time. Well I don't even know.

Clocks ticking...

I groaned, looking back over at the librarian. Moving closer to her, I noticed that she was breathing still.

I thought he had killed her! He made it seem like he had.

She's a cute little old lady! Are you serious? I could never.

Oh so he's not completely heartless.

I knocked her out with a horse tranquilizer.

Where the fuck did you get that from?

Oh we've had it. It's been in your purse.  Tick, tock.

Grumbling I glared at the eyes on the book. Both eyes were angled to look straight up at the librarian, while the veins seemed to be pointing at random words on the page.

This is so gross...

Grabbing a post it note and a pen, I started to write down the words.


You write slow...


Click... click...

The sound of the lock at the front door was turning. Someone was here. Panic set in as I scribbled the last two words. Stumbling over my feet I hid behind one of the shelves, trying to control my breathing.

Well aren't we in a pickle?

Shut up...

The steady tap of heels against the floor indicated it was a woman. I held my breath in anticipation for the scream.

A few moments later a gut wrenching scream rang through the silent building. Disturbing the sleeping librarian.

"Jill!" She croaked furiously.

"Mrs... Mrs.." a loud thud was heard. Jill had fainted.
The old librarian cried out in panic. Something made a squish, and then an audible pop sound, followed by another thud. A bit lighter.

Must have been the book.

I nodded.

The librarian's scratchy voice echoed through the library and she spoke quickly to the police I'm guessing.

"Help! I think someone has been murdered! My assistant has also fainted! Please!"

She must have been confused.


I peeked around to see what she was doing. Her hand was shaking as she listened to what the person was saying.

"I... I think so..."

Her eyes scanned the dimly lit room, I leaned back into my hiding place.

"Y-yes... I'm alone."

Maybe I should try and get out.

Ya think?

Is there an exit? Aside from the front.

Just to the right.

Quietly I moved towards the back door, the bag on my shoulder rustled a little. I froze. Praying she had awful hearing.

"Who's there?" Her shaky voice called out.

No one you old bat!

Not right now, Steve. I heard her shuffling closer to me. I just needed to get to the door.

You could kill her...


Then run ya stupid bitch!

Not taking another second to decide, I dashed to the door, slamming hard into it. The bright light of the sun blinding me as I fell into the back alleyway. The pavement scraped my knees and hands.


Not in the clear....

A split second later, my feet were pounding the pavement. Hurling myself down the street as fast I could.

"Where you headed in such a hurry, Beautiful?"

I swear my heart stopped at the sound of Detective Rio's voice.


Yea... Fuck is the right word.

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