Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Charlie and Dorothy left for their honeymoon straight away, leaving everyone to make their own way home. Sam, Jess and Alfie all flew home the day after the wedding, but Cas and Dean took their time packing up in the hotel, before setting off in the car.

By the time they arrived home, they were both exhausted, and collapsed in bed to sleep the rest of the day off.

Soon enough, though, Cas was back to his normal routine. Despite the fact that he could now work the coffee machine himself, he still had Alfie come in for a few hours a day to work it for him. He had a sneaking suspicion the Alfie secretly enjoyed working at the bakery.

Dean too was back to work, though he visited the bakery more and more often every day.

'Please quit, Dean,' Cas begged one day. 'You hate it, I know you do.'

Dean rolled his shoulders uncomfortably.

'Any mechanic worth their salt would take you, just pick another - any other.'

Dean looked away.

'Look at me,' Cas said, gently turning Dean's chin back to face him. 'Why do you stay?'

Dean hesitated. {I'm scared}

'Of what?' Cas said, sitting Dean down on the couch. 'Tell me.'

{What if I can't find another place? Somewhere that will take me like this}

'They'd be crazy not to.'

Dean kissed his hands. {You're sweet}

'Besides, they're not allowed to discriminate against your disability. Even if they do - which they won't - we've got a pretty good lawyer.'

Dean chuckled. {You're right. It was hard to get this job. I'm good at what I do. People are difficult}

{I understand. They're not helping. Your therapist must have said the same}

{She did}

{You can't carry on like this. You should leave}

{I'll think about it}

'That's all I'm asking,' Cas murmured, kissing Dean's forehead.

For a while, the bakery became a safe haven for Dean, who was becoming increasingly agitated by the day. He tried to hide it, but Cas could see it in the tense lines of his face, until one day he received a text from Dean at work.

I forgot my lunch, can you bring me some food?

Cas looked around the bakery. There were only a couple of people in, and Alfie was behind the counter. 'Hey, I have to go. Will you be all right for a few minutes?'

Alfie just shrugged, getting himself a cup of coffee.

Cas gathered up some food for Dean in a bag, and walked out of the door.

His heart beat hard in his chest, remembering the last time he went to Dean's work. He gripped the bag tightly as he walked.

The familiar smell of grime and oil drifted around him as he got closer, and he warily approached the three-walled reception room.

The same man that greeted him last time was sitting there, with his feet up on the desk. He looked Cas up and down with disdain, then got his radio out. 'Winchester, get up here.'

Cas gripped the bag tightly, not taking his eyes off the man until Dean came around the corner, cleaning his hands on a cloth. He smiled at Cas, and kissed him without touching him until has hands were clean.

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