Chapter Four

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 A loud thumping on the front door woke Cas the next day. He sat up and rubbed his eyes as the room swayed around him. Whoever was banging on the door continued to do so and Cas groaned.

'All right, I'm coming,' he mumbled. He stood up and grabbed hold of the coach to stop himself from falling back down again and stumbled towards the front door. He opened it and shielded his eyes from the dazzling sun, squinting at Sam and Dean standing in the doorway.

'Whoa, you look terrible,' said Sam, smiling.

'Sam? Dean? What are you doing here?'

'We got to the bakery and it was closed. We were kinda worried so we came to see if you were okay. How wasted did you get exactly?' Sam laughed.

Cas ignored the question and moved aside to let them in. 'How did you know where I live?'

'Oh it was on your website.'

Cas closed the door behind them. 'I have a website?' He made a mental note to ask Charlie about it.

Sam and Dean, both being quite tall, made his living room look very small.

'Is he okay?' Sam asked quietly, gesturing at Gabriel who was lying face down on the couch.

'He's fine,' Cas said dismissively.

Gabriel gave a feeble thumbs up without moving anything else.

'Does- does anyone want any coffee?' Cas said weakly, standing in the kitchen, gripping the sink. He squeezed his eyes shut, but it didn't help at all. In fact, now that he was standing, he felt considerably worse and couldn't stop his body from shaking.

'I don't know, Cas, shouldn't you sit down or something?'

'Mmm.' Cas looked at the coffee machine and groaned. 'Gabriel, make coffee.'

Gabriel said something that was completely muffled by the couch cushions, but still didn't move.

Cas leant over the counter, rubbing the back of his head and fighting a wave of nausea. Suddenly, he felt a pair of gentle, but firm hands grip him by the shoulders. Dean had come up behind him and guided him over to his recliner chair. Dean sat him down, then carefully pulled the lever, lifting Cas's legs. He then disappeared into Cas's bedroom.

'Hey, Sam?' said Cas. 'How long has he been...?'

Sam chuckled. 'You finally figured it out, huh? We had a bet on how long it would take.'

Gabriel finally turned over. 'He's never been the most observant,' he said.

'No one asked you, Gabriel,' Cas snapped.

'Anyway, he's been mute since he was a kid.'

'Can he talk at all?'

Sam shrugged. 'Yeah, he can. It's not a physical problem. The doctors all say it's a psychological thing. I've heard him a few times. He sings when he thinks no one's around. Don't tell him I said so, though.'

Then Dean returned, carrying blankets that he raided from Cas's wardrobe in his arms. He arranged them around his Cas.

'Hey, you owe me ten bucks,' said Sam.

Dean smiled and shook his head.

'Where are my blankets?' said Gabriel, sitting up slowly.

Dean turned to him and started making a series of complicated hand gestures.

Sam started laughing. 'Uh, he says that this is your fault, so you don't get any.'

'What, I didn't make him drink anything.'

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