Chapter Thirteen

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Cas was humming quietly to himself and decorating some sugar cookies with Dean the next morning, when the bell above the door rang.

'Oh, there you are.' It was Sam, and Cas briefly glanced at Dean, who had stiffened slightly. 'Sleepover at Cas's again?'

Dean nodded.

'Morning, Sam,' Cas said, his nervousness causing his voice to rise a note.

'Are you okay?' Sam said, noticing this.

Cas cleared his throat. 'Fine,' he said, hastily grabbing a cloth and wiping down the counter, carefully avoiding looking at Dean.

'Are you sure? You're being kinda weird.'

'Um...' Cas glanced up. 'My mom is supposed to be calling me today.'

'Ah, I see. Will you be okay?'

Cas nodded.

'Good. I just came to grab a cup of coffee before work. Is that okay?'

'Help yourself,' Cas said, moving out of the way of the coffee machine.

'Great, thanks.'

Cas and Dean waited in tense silence while Sam poured himself a coffee, paid and left.

Once Cas was sure he was gone, he exhaled loudly. He finally looked Dean in the eye and they both began to laugh.

{I think it is important you know that I am a terrible liar} Cas admitted.

{Really? I think you did fine} Dean signed.

{It wasn't technically a lie. My mom is calling me today}

Dean's smile dropped. {Are you ready for that?}

{I suppose we'll find out}

Dean sighed and checked his watch. {I better go. I'll text you later}

{Okay. Bye}

Dean left him with a brief smile and a dollar for the cupcake he grabbed on his way out.

Cas went back into the kitchen and began preparing more bread dough, allowing his mind to wander. He knew his mother wouldn't be calling him while it was still early in the day. She never roused herself before midday, but he kept his phone on the counter near the register just in case, fiddling with it until he was sure that the ringtone was on loud.

Alfie arrived at the usual time and stared at Cas for a while.

'Is there something I can help you with, Alfie?' Cas asked.

Alfie shook his head. 'You're in a weird mood. I can tell. What's going on?'

'Is everyone suddenly a mind reader today?' Cas said, rolling his eyes.

'No, you're just terrible at hiding your emotions and I've known you since I was born.'

'True,' Cas conceded. 'Mom is calling me later.'

'Ah, okay. Are you closing early?'

'We'll see,' Cas said. 'Depends what time she calls.'

'So you don't have a time?'

'No. Just that it'll be today.'

Alfie nodded, then set about cleaning out the coffee machine again, although Cas noticed over the net few hours that he served more customers than he usually would, and even decorated some of the cupcakes.

Cas was grateful for the moments of quiet this provided him, as he felt himself becoming more and more tense once the clock had passed midday.

'I have nothing to do this afternoon. I can stay, if you like,' Alfie offered as he prepared to leave.

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