Chapter Five

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Cas sighed and went inside. He switched all the lights on and tied on his apron, before going out into the kitchen. He checked in the fridge and found he was running low on ingredients. It would soon be time for a trip to the market.

For now, he prepared enough bread and treats to last the morning, as well as some extra shortcrust pastry for when Sam and Dean brought him some apples. He took his time, slowly thinking over Gabriel's visit. As much as he was happy to see his brother, he couldn't help but feel unsettled by it.

He was so preoccupied that he didn't even notice Sam and Dean waiting outside when he opened.

'Hey, are you okay?' Sam asked, coming through the door.

'What? Oh, yes, I'm fine. You guys are early today.'

'Yeah, we thought we'd come early so you'd have time to make the pie.'

Dean held up a bag of apples and Cas smiled.

'Of course, I'll get right on it.' He took the bag and examined the apples inside. 'These aren't bad. They'll make a good filling, thanks guys.' He looked up and caught Dean craning his neck, attempting to look inside the kitchen. 'Do you want to come and help, Dean?' he asked.

Dean was surprised, but nodded slowly.

Cas lead him into the kitchen and threw him an apron. 'Wash your hands,' he said, going into the fridge to get the pastry. When he came back, Dean was in the apron, drying his hands. Cas smiled at him again. He grabbed a chopping board, a peeler and a knife. 'Here, why don't you peel these apples and then cut them up for me.'

Dean did as he was told, and soon had a small pile of peelings beside him. On the other side of the counter, Cas sprinkled out some flour and switched the oven back on to heat up.

'What about me?' Sam called from the shop front.

'There are some cupcakes that need decorating out there, if you want,' Cas called back.

'Uh, sure.'

Dean chuckled quietly, still peeling the apples.

Cas cut the ball of pastry in half and began rolling them out, occasionally adding another pinch of flour, until he was satisfied with their thickness. Then he began tucking it into a pie case. He poked a few holes in the bottom and put it in the oven. 'You have to bake it a little first,' he explained to Dean. 'That way, the bottom doesn't get soggy from the apple juice.'

Dean nodded and started slicing up the freshly peeled apples. Cas flitted around him, cleaning up the flour and the peelings. Then grabbed a mixing bowl, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg and put them down in front of Dean. 'Apples in there,' he instructed.

Once in the bowl, Cas added the sugar and spices. 'Now gently mix them. You have to use your hands, otherwise you'll bruise the apples too much.' Cas then watched Dean carefully mix the apples in the bowl. Standing this close to him, Cas could see that Dean was covered in freckles. Like small constellations, they crossed his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. Cas stared at them, completely distracted by them, until Dean tipped up the bowl for him to look at.

'Oh, yeah, looks good,' said Cas, clearing his throat. He moved away and went to get the pastry out of the oven, while Dean washed the apple juice and sugar off his hands. Cas tipped the apples into the pastry, then put it back in the oven. 'Now all we have to do is wait.'

Just then, the bell on the front door rang. 'I'll be back,' said Cas. 'Keep an eye on the pie.' He went out to the front, where Sam was bent over the cupcakes, concentrating hard.

'What can I get for you this morning, Mrs Holden?' Cas said to the elderly woman that had walked in.

'Good morning, dear,' she said in a croaky voice. 'Do you have any poppy seed muffins today?'

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