Names - Chapter 2 - Merida P.O.V.

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*Merida Point Of View*

Me and my crew all left the school, after a couple of  interruptions we all entered Flynn's" Land Rover" to pick up our bags and go to our plane. After a list of "Uptown Funk" "Lips are Movin" "Blank Space" "Shake it off " and "All about that bass" sing-alongs , we got to Jack's house, he took about 5 minutes to get all his stuff plus his surfboard. After we got to Hiccup and Flynn's house (there neghibors) we where only waiting 3 minutes.  Man, boys are quick!!

When we got Elsa and Anna's House, Jack went with them. Then we all starded laghing.

-  *Kissing sound* Elsa and Jack sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g, First comes love then comes marrige then comes two babys in a baby carrige - sinngied Repunzel and Kristoff

- He we should give them a shipping name?- I said with greed, finally someone agrees there gross

-Yea!!!- said Repunzel, Flynn and Kristoff

-Okay, what about Elsack?- asked Punzie

-Nah- I said

- What about Jelsa?-

- Great!!-

When  Jelsa and Anna came back I dicided to create a group name

Authors Note

In this part there is going to be lots of different people talkig so I'm going to use

R = Repunzel

J = Jack

M = Merida

H = Hiccup

E = Elsa

A = Anna

F = Flynn

K= Kristoff

M=-So know that we're 8 we need to have a group name, like something we can call ourselves?- 

J= - Yea!!! So what's the new name?

H = I'm choosing the group name!!

K = What°!!!! No Way!!!!!

R= How about us girls choose...

F= Sure, Punzie

M= Alright It HAS to be simple...

A= And short..

E = And Easy to remember..

J, K, F = Yeah, easy...

H= This convo is really  feeling  one-sided 

M= How about ... The Super 8

E= Sounds Great!!!

H= That's It? No plot twist or anything?

M= *Flirting With Hiccup* C'mon Hiccup it souds wonderful

H = Umm... *Blushes* Okay, I'm fine

J = HAHAHA he got scolded by a pricess

H= Shut up, Jelsa


H = You and Elsa's shipping name...

J = What the F**K?!?

H= Awww, You pouting  big baby boo?


E= Wait a minute? Jelsa? Seriosly? We are barely dating?

M = For like one year...


Now this ends the abriviation part

The rest of the way was crazy!! We came up with shipping names for each other we ended up being:

- Jack + Elsa= Winter Jelsa

- Anna + Kristoff = Crazy Kristanna

- Repunzel + Flynn = Funny Raplynn

- Me (Merida) + Hicupp =  Happy Mericcup 

JAJAJA I can't wait till the plane

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