Chapter 23: It's Christmas Time

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"Okay, if everyone insists on hanging out here all the time...I think we need to start looking at a bigger home," Derek said as he looked around the rather crowded apartment and then at Elizabeth and smiled at her.

"We've been thinking about it for a while," Elizabeth added, they'd started thinking about it mid way through the year and had been actively looking for somewhere to move. "I'm going to sell this place after we fix it up,"

"Did you just say we? And bigger home?" Theo questioned raising his eyebrow as he looked at her and then at Derek. "That's why you wanted me to go with you the other day?"

"Yes to everything you just asked," Elizabeth grinned, she'd already roped Isaac into helping with the fixing of the apartment and Jackson said that he'd buy her New York apartment off her and then ship all of her books back to Beacon. "The apartment is getting super crowded these days," Elizabeth added shooting a look towards Derek.

"Where are you looking at?" Theo asked, he really should have gone with her when she'd asked the other day.

"There's a place a few blocks from Scott's that we're thinking will be big enough," Elizabeth said pausing as she thought for a second. "Are you boys any closer to finding something that might be the cause of the rearranging city?"

"Mason thinks it's a witch with a weird sense of humour," Liam piped up as Mason decided to present his evidence.

"First it was the preserve, then the bank and the lacrosse field but they're back to normal now...and I heard Parrish tell Deaton the sheriff's station is missing sections," Mason rambled, Corey had to tell him to take a breath and start again so he did but slower.

"You could be right, and I might have an idea of how to find out," Elizabeth grinned looking at Derek as she did causing him to shake his head vigorously. "What? No one will get hurt,"

"Ace?" Theo questioned wondering exactly what she was thinking of doing.

"She wants to do a summoning spell," Derek almost growled in response but stopped short of being glared at by Liam, Theo and Elizabeth.

"Not exactly...I know a forest nymph that owes me a favour," Elizabeth said before she pulled out her phone and sent a text message. "Forest nymphs do things with out question and like when their debts are paid,"

Derek raised his eyebrow at her there was still some things that he didn't know about her, and he kind of enjoyed learning about it. Elizabeth glared at him and then motioned for him to follow her to their room. Derek smirked at Elizabeth, walking over and grabbing her wrist before dragging her to the bedroom. Theo and Liam rolled their eyes and motioned for Nolan, Corey and Mason to follow them to Theo's room.

"Yeah we don't want to be in the lounge for at least an hour," Theo stated, he'd gotten used to them disappearing into the bedroom – occasionally when Scott had been there the two of them would go catch a movie or go grab food.

"Yeah, he and Scott learnt that the hard way," Liam laughed, before the five of them retreated to Theo's room. "What? You told me and ever since we evacuate," Liam shrugged in between trying to stop laughing and ducking from various things that Theo had decided to throw at him.

"How long have you been living with them now?" Nolan questioned, he was relatively new to the inner circle after the trying to kill them all with the hunters and then being saved by Scott's mother.

"Moved in with Ace when she moved back here permanently," Theo paused trying to think exactly how long it had been as he shot a look to Liam.

"Christmas is next week," Mason said all of a sudden as he looked at the group and they all looked at him as they'd completely forgotten about it.

Stand Your GroundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora