My bloody valintine

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Jessie yawns as she sat with y/n listening to jigsaw drown on about how important geometry was

Pfft, it couldn't be that important, Jessie had never needed Geometry and she had turned out just fine

She sighs and looks at the calendar, huh it was February the 13, tomorrow was Valentine's Day

Jessie sighs, she had always wanted to celebrate the holiday with someone but as a kid she never got the chance, she got called ugly and weird.....oh yeah and then she died

She knew Michelle had never really celebrated it either, they were very similar except she had been put in an insane asylum as a child

And jigsaw.....well she really didn't know about that shorty, she didn't seem like the type who would attract anyone, not because of looks but because of just how fuckin weird she was

Then she looked at y/n .......her heart broke a little, with the life he had probably never had a reason to celebrate

Everyone in the group were just sad and lonely S.O.Bs, well not this year, this year they would have their own valentines

She had completely stopped listening to jigsaws lesson as she planned out what they could do, make cards, make cookies, maybe even a dance

She was jolted out of her thought as a ruler hit her in the head

Jigsaw: pay attention, I swear Amanda was the only one who ever listened to me

That got Jessie's attention
Jessie: Amanda? Wasn't she that girl in that stupid escape room?

Jigsaw: it is not an escape room! And yes, she was my apprentice, she knew those traps and tests like the back of her hand

Jessie: that lying bitch

She shook the thought away and stood
Jessie: I have something important to say, we are going to have a Valentine's Day party, just the three of us

Y/n counted on his fingers

Y/n: wait isn't there 4 of us?

Jessie: oh yeah you exist
She said as she looked at jigsaw who flipped her off

Jigsaw shook her head

Jigsaw: no! No Valentine's Day anything, it's very very bad luck

Jessie: what's your problem?

Jigsaw: well....back in my home town in Canada.....

She was cut off as Jessie snickers

Jigsaw: WHAT?!

Jessie: oh nothing aye
She said in a stereotypical Canadian accent

Jigsaw: fuck you! Anyways we had this legend about one scary bitch that would punish people for celebrating valentines, she where's a mining suit and mask, her name was hellen warden

Jessie: let me guess, nobody asked her to be their valentine?

Jigsaw: NO! The supervisors for her mine left their posts to celebrate and she was trapped in a collapsed mine for a week , she survived by eating the other miners

Jessie: she can't be that scary if she Canadian

Jigsaw: fer fuck sake will you knock that off aye?

A her accent bled through and Jessie and y/n burst out laughing, Michelle was her blank emotionless self as usual but somehow she was smiling

Jigsaw: I hate all of you, if you want to celebrate then go ahead but leave me out of it!

She left the room and the slam of her bedroom door could be heard

Jessie smiles under her mask and looks at the other 2

Jessie: come on, I'll get the colored paper, you get the scissors and y/n you get the tape

And with that the prepared to make the first ever slasher Valentine's Day

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