Freda vs jessie

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Jessie Laid y/n down in one of the beds since they had fallen asleep, she smiles as she watched him sleep for a bit before walking back down to the couch where she sat and finished watching the slasher movie

She felt herself drifting to sleep, that didn't seem right, she had only been up for 12 hours, she shouldn't be tired now she tried to stop herself as she got up from the couch only to fall to the floor

She opened her eyes again to find herself somewhere else, it dark, filed with pipes and boilers, she didn't like it, not at all, she slid her mask over and covered her face once again

She walked towards a sound, she was confused, especially when she found what was making it

Three little girls were jumping rope and singing

???: 1-2 Freda's coming for you, 3-4 better lock the door 5-6 grab your crucifix 7-8 better stay up late 9-10 .......never sleep again

Jessie didn't know what to do so she just scooted around them, taking out the machete she still had just in case

She walked until she found someone, a woman in a green and red sweater and a hat, she also seemed to have a weird looking glove

She hadn't said anything but had already irritated Jessie and filled her with a murder feeling

She swung her machete at her but was knocked back on her ass

The woman walked forward and kicked Jessie in the face

???: welcome to my world BITCH!"

She slashed her weird glove but Jessie caught it

She stood holding the little bitches arm and then tossed her towards a wall but she just seems to disappear and reappear behind Jessie stabbing her back

???: try again,
Jessie reaches around and grabs her arm and pulls the bladed glove out and turns towards her slowly

She grabbed the little bitches shirt and head buts her then uppercuts her and swung her machete but the little bitch was gone then she heard a clank

She looks to see her hand on the floor holding her machete

She really didn't know how to feel about that

???: need a hand?

She felt blades slash across her side then her leg and the side of her head

She swung her hand and stump arm but kept missing because she swung so slow

The blonde appeared in front of her and hit her in the stomach sending her flying

This little shit was strong, to strong, this wasn't right, nobody was that strong

As she fell, she moved mid air and hit a wall, then flew into a different one, then the ceiling

The little bitch kept moving her fingers like she was playing a game laughing her ass off

She finally fell to the floor

Y/n was lost, he was in a dark place filled with pipes and boilers

Y/n: Hello? Can somebody help me?

He walked around looking for someone, anyone to help him

He yelps when he heard someone laughing of someone

He peaks around a corner to see a strange woman and.....Jessie?

He saw Jessie being thrown around and slammed into walls, he also saw a hand on the ground leaking blood next to a big blade

Y/n: w-what?

Jessie got slammed into the ground and the woman walked over and kicked Jessie in the head

Unknown to any of the three Jessie had knocked over an oil lamp causing a fire to break out

Jessie could feel something that wasn't right, everything was getting warm

Jessie saw the little bitch had her back as she was going off about something

She wrapped her arm around her neck,

But she was blasted back

???: oh really this is all you got?

She seemed to see something
???: looks like we've got an audience

Her arm stretched across the room and returned as she held y/n

???: look at this, he's a cutie, I'll enjoy him tonight

Jessie growls and looks at her arm as burns started appearing out of nowhere

She ran and head locked the bitch as she woke up effectively bringing them all back to the waking world

Y/n woke up in the bed as Freda appears in the kitchen while Jessie woke up in the living room

Jessie: it's on now.......
She whispers to herself

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