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Jessie looks down at her old friend, hadn't seen her in years, not since she died in the lake, looks like Michelle and her had taken a similar path with the masked killer

Jessie took off her own mask to show her face

Jessie: it's Jessie....Michelle is that you?

Michelle seems to have a flicker of recognition and tilted her head

Michelle had always been a quite one

She put her machete away and helped her up
Jessie: it's been so long

Michelle nods

Jessie suddenly thought
Jessie: y/n!

She spun around looking for him


Y/n hid in a different building, there was another scary lady that he didn't want to see

He ran through the camp soon enough finding himself lost

He felt the hand at the same time a cloth was put over his mouth, there was a sweet smell and then y/n couldn't keep his eyes open

Not to long later he woke being held down by 5 people as 5 others stood in a circle around them

???: my our sacrifice summon the power of evils and please you lord of darkness....let this lambs blood be spilt and us be rewarded with a champion of evil


Jessie looked for almost half an hour before she found her next batch of assholes to destroy, while walking around she had spoken to Michelle about everything she could think of

They didn't know each other as well, that wasn't important at the moment as she walked towards the satanists

She teleported closer grabbing the kid and teleporting away, she threw her to the ground and stomped
(#14 satanists: head flattened )

She went back and removed her machete
These fuckers had screwed with her child for the last time

She ran in slashing two necks

(#15-16 satanists: throat slashed)

One person tried to run only to get a knife to a face

(#17 satanists: stabbed in face )

Jessie smiles as she hacks 3 to pieces

(#18- 20 satanists: slashed )

Michelle grabs two girls and bashed their faces together, she kept doing this until they were a beat broke bloody mess

With one great THWACK

She crushed their souls together

(#19-20 satanist: bashed together)

Jessie grabs two remaining while Michelle cut up the other
(#21 satanists: 28 stab wounds)

Jessie lifted both of them up

Michelle grabs her machete and jumped bringing the blade down with enough force to slice both guys in half
(# 23 satanists: cut in half )

She dropped the bits and ran over to check y/n

Jessie: thanks Michelle

Michelle: *heavy breathing *

Kill count (Female slashers x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now