Settling in

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This was a really nice cabin, she couldn't believe it was all hers, the owners must be out or something, she wasn't complaining, the cabin was big and had food and a phone

She was building a sandwich when she heard the van, she looks outside confused and then jumped when she saw the van

???: shit......

She ran out the back then cursed when she relived she left her damn sandwich in the cabin

???: shite

It had been the ultimate sandwich, it had cheesy bread, lettuce, ham, bacon, salami, turkey and Swiss cheese, baked to perfection, she had named it the camp crystal screamer

She watched the people get out of the van and had to laugh, what were those costumes? And people said she watched to many horror movies


Jessie yawns as she carries y/ns sleepy form into the house, none of them had slept well, Michelle led jigsaw in by her wrist pulling her along

Jigsaw: let go of me, I'm not going anywhere

Jessie: none of us trust you

Jessie walked into the cabin and instantly knew something was off, she could smell it

She follows the smell to the kitchen and found a large sandwich about a foot in length like a sub

Jessie: hmmm, who left this here

She felt it, it was still warm, well she shouldn't waste she thought as she slides her mask to the side of her head

She cut it into four 3 inch peace's and gave one to everyone, she gave jigsaws hers reluctantly

Jessie: someone was in here just before we got home

Michelle looks around glaring as if the intruder were in the same room

Jessie checked around the cabin for anything out of place only finding the rotting corpses of y/ns brother and that hoe he had been having sex with

Jessie: should probably clean this up......

She wrapped both the bodies in different sheets and threw them over her shoulder and running them out back to the shed, she would see who was worth burying

She went back inside to find Michelle laying on the couch with a knife clutched like a teddy bear

Jessie thought they could all use a nap, she found y/n trying to work the TV remote although one of the batteries had fallen out

She smiles and takes it gently as she put it together right

Jessie: so your brothers girlfriend, who was she? Like was she good, nice to you?

Y/n smiles

Y/n: she was always really nice, she protected me from jack sometimes

Jessie logged that in her head
Note: bury the blond hoe
second note; chop up y/ns brother

She smiles and walked back outside grabbing a shovel

Y/n pov

Y/n finally got the TV to turn in and found it was on a movie called "predator"

It was a scary movie to y/n as they hid under the blanket, that is until the phone rang

Y/n walked over to in and picked it up not knowing who to expect, maybe it was Jessie

Y/n: hello?

???: do you like scary movies?

Y/n didn't know the voice and was suddenly very scared

Y/n: no, they scare me

???: well you should get used to them, you live in one

Y/n was on about to panic

???: look behind you

Y/n did just that only to jump and yelp as they saw the person in black robes and a white ghost mask


Jessie smiles at the good job she had done on the burring the girlfriends body

To remember Where she had put the body she grabbed the metal javelin she had killed them both with

She stuck it straight down into the grave

Her head perked when she herd y/n yelp in fear

She ran like hell to the souse if the yelp

Kill count (Female slashers x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now